JEE Main 2020 B.Arch Question Paper with Answer Key (September 1- Forenoon session)

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JEE Main 2020 B.Arch Question Paper with Answer Key for the exam conducted on September 1 in the Forenoon Session (9 AM to 12 Noon) is available for download. The exam was successfully organized by NTA (National Testing Agency). In terms of difficulty level, JEE Main B.Arch paper was of moderate level. The question paper comprised a total of 77 questions divided among three main sections i.e Mathematics, Aptitude and Drawing.

JEE Main B.Arch Question Paper with Answer Key PDF – September 1, 2020 (Forenoon session)

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JEE Main 2020 Questions with Solutions

1 A graph of vap our pressure and temperature for three different liquids X, Y, and Z is shown below: The following inferences are made: (A) X has higher intermolecular interactions compared to Y. (B) X has lower intermolecular interactions compared to Y. (C) Z has lower intermolecular interactions compared to Y. The correct inference(s) is/are:
2 At 35$^{\circ}$C, the vapour pressure of $CS_2$ is 512 mm Hg and that of acetone is 344 mm Hg. A solution of $CS_2$, in acetone has a total vapour pressure of 600 mm Hg. The false statement amongst the following is:
3 Two open beakers one containing a solvent and the other containing a mixture of that solvent with a non volatile solute are together sealed in a container. Over time:
4 A charge $Q$ is distributed over two concentric conducting thin spherical shells radii $r$ and $R$ $( R > r )$. If the surface charge densities on the two shells are equal, the electric potential at the common centre is:
5 The quantities $x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_{0} \epsilon_{0}}}, y=\frac{E}{B}$ and $z =\frac{1}{ CR }$ are defined where C - capacitance R - Resistance, l - length, E - Electric field, B - magnetic field and $\epsilon_{0}, \mu_{0},$ - free space permittivity and permeability respectively. Then:
6 Dimensional formula for thermal conductivity is (here $K$ denotes the temperature)
7 A quantity $x$ is given by $(IFv^2 / WL^{4})$ in terms of moment of inertia $I, $ force $ F$, velocity $v ,$ work $W$ and Length $L$. The dimensional formula for $x$ is same as that of:
8 Amount of solar energy received on the earth's surface per unit area per unit time is defined a solar constant. Dimension of solar constant is:
9 If speed $V$, area $A$ and force $F$ are chosen as fundamental units, then the dimension of Young's modulus will be:
10 A screw gauge has $50$ divisions on its circular scale. The circular scale is $4 $ units ahead of the pitch scale marking, prior to use. Upon one complete rotation of the circular scale, a displacement of $0.5\, mm$ is noticed on the pitch scale. The nature of zero error involved, and the least count of the screw gauge, are respectively:
11 An electrical power line, having a total resistance of $2\Omega,$ delivers $1\, kW$ at $220\, V$. The efficiency of the transmission line is approximately:
12 Model a torch battery of length $l$ to be made up of a thin cylindrical bar of radius $'a'$ and a concentric thin cylindrical shell of radius $'b'$ filled in between with an electrolyte of resistivity $\rho$ (see figure). If the battery is connected to a resistance of value $R ,$ the maximum Joule heating in $R$ will take place for:
13 In a building there are $15$ bulbs of $45\, W, 15$ bulbs of $100\, W$, $15$ small fans of $10\, W$ and $2$ heaters of $1\, kW$. The voltage of electric main is $220\, V$. The minimum fuse capacity (rated value) of the building will be:
14 Given the masses of various atomic particles $m _{ p }=1.0072 u$ , $m _{ n }=1.0087 \,u$ $m _{ e }=0.000548 u$ , $m _{\overline{ v }}=0$, $m _{ d }=2.0141 u$ where $p \equiv$ proton, $n \equiv$ neutron, $e \equiv$ electron, $\overline{ v } \equiv$ antineutrino and $d \equiv$ deuteron. Which of the following process is allowed by momentum and energy conservation?
15 Find the binding energy per nucleon for ${ }_{50}^{120} Sn$. Mass of proton $m _{ p }=1.00783\, U ,$ mass of neutron $m_{n}=1.00867 \,U$ and mass of tin nucleus $m _{ Sn }=119.902199 \,U $ (take $1U = 931 \,MeV)$
16 A radioactive nucleus decays by two different processes. The half life for the first process is $10 s$ and that for the second is $100 s$. the effective half life of the nucleus is close to:
17 The activity of a radioactive sample falls from $700\, s^{-1}$ to $500\, s^{-1}$ in 30 minutes. Its half life is close to:
18 A particle is moving unidirectionally on a horizontal plane under the action of a constant power supplying energy source. The displacement (s) - time (t) graph that describes the motion of the particle is (graphs are drawn schematically and are not to scale):
19 A 60 HP electric motor lifts an elevator having a maximum total load capacity of 2000 kg. If the frictional force on the elevator is 4000 N, the speed of the elevator at full load is close to: ($1 \,HP = 746 \,W, \,g = 10\, ms^{-2}$ )
20 The correct order of the spin-only magnetic moments of the following complexes is: $(I)\, [Cr(H_2O)_6]Br_2$ $(II)\, Na_4[Fe(CN)_6]$ $(III)\, Na_3[Fe(C_2O_4)_3] (\Delta_0 > P)$ $(IV)\, (Et_4N)_2[CoCl_4]$
21 According to the following diagram, A reduces $BO_2$ when the temperature is:
22 The de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the $4^{th}$ Bohr orbit is:
23 For following reactions ${A ->[700\,K][] Product}$ ${A ->[500\,K][{\text{catalyst}}] Product}$ it was found that the $E_a$ is decreased by 30 k J/mol in the presence of catalyst. If the rate remains unchanged, the activation energy for catalysed reaction is (Assume pre exponential factor is same):
24 A crystal is made up of metal ions 'M $_{1}$ ' and 'M $_{2}$ ' and oxide ions. Oxide ions. form a ccp lattice structure. The cation '$M_1$ occupies $50 \%$ of octahedral voids and the cation 'M $_{2}$ ' occupies $12.5 \%$ of tetrahedral voids of oxide lattice. The oxidation numbers of ' $M _{1}$ ' and ' $M _{2}$ ' are, respectively:
25 A diatomic molecule $X_{2}$ has a body-centred cubic (bcc) structure with a cell edge of $300\, pm$. The density of the molecule is $6.17 \,g \,cm ^{-3}$. The number of molecules present in $200\, g$ of $X _{2}$ is (Avogadro constant $\left.\left( N _{ A }\right)=6 \times 10^{23} \,mol ^{-1}\right)$
26 An element crystallises in a face-centred cubic (fcc) unit cell with cell edge a. The distance between the centres of two nearest octahedral voids in the crystal lattice is:

JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers

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