JEE Main Counselling 2023: Dates, Seat Allotment, Seat Matrix, Admission, Cut off

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Updated on, Feb 21, 2025

bySachin Gupta Content Writer

JEE Main Counselling 2023: There are two types of JEE Main Counselling, namely JoSAA and CSAB. Both counselling processes are conducted online after the declaration of results. JoSAA Counselling 2023 has concluded successfully. CSAB has now started CSAB Special Counselling 2023 and Check CSAB NEUT 2023 Counselling.

  • JoSAA Counselling: The Joint Seat Allocation Authority Counselling or JoSAA Counselling is conducted for both JEE Main and Advanced qualified candidates for admission to B.Tech/B.Arch/B.Planning programs of IITs and NIT+ system.
    • The counselling is conducted for 114 academic institutes in India which includes 23 IITs, 31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs and 33 Other-Government Funded Technical Institutes (Other-GFTIs).
  • CSAB Counselling: Central Seat Allocation Board Counselling or CSAB Counselling is conducted in different forms/ rounds. These include-
    • CSAB Special: CSAB Special is conducted to fill the vacant seats at NITs, IIITs and GFTIs left vacant after the six rounds of JoSAA Counselling.
    • CSAB Supernumerary: CSAB Supernumerary is conducted for filling supernumerary seats for candidates belonging to Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. CSAB Supernumerary Counselling is conducted for admission to selected NITs such as NIT Calicut, NIT Durgapur, and SVNIT Surat.
    • CSAB NEUT: CSAB NEUT or Central Seat Allocation Board for North Eastern States & Union Territories is conducted for engineering/ technology/ architecture admissions to candidates belonging to 8 North East States and 4 Union Territories. These seats are offered under the scheme of “Reservation of seats in Degree Level Technical Courses for States / UTs in the AICTE-approved institutions lacking facilities for education in specific fields of Technical Education and for certain categories”.
    • CSAB SFTI: CSAB SFTI Counselling is conducted for admission to Self Financing Technical Institutes in India. Any updates for CSAB SFTI Counselling 2023 will be updated here after the official announcement. Check CSAB SFTI Counselling 2023

JEE Main Cut off 2023 is released by each of the counselling bodies after each round of JoSAA and CSAB Counselling. The cut off is released in the form of opening and closing ranks for each of the categories separately. For admission to top five NITs, candidates must score JEE marks above 200 (equivalent to rank below 5000).

JEE Main Counselling Highlights

JEE Main Counselling 2023 Highlights

Particulars JoSAA Counselling CSAB Special Counselling CSAB Supernumerary Counselling CSAB NEUT Counselling
Full Form Joint Seat Allocation Authority Counselling Central Seat Allocation Board Special Counselling Central Seat Allocation Board Supernumerary Counselling Central Seat Allocation Board for North Eastern States & Union Territories Counselling
No. of Counselling Rounds 6 2 1 2
Participating Colleges 23 IITs, 31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs and 33 GFTIs NIT + system (31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs and 33 GFTIs) NIT Calicut, NIT Durgapur, and SVNIT Surat 18 institutes which are not under JoSAA/ CSAB
Conducted By Joint Seat Allocation Authority Central Seat Allocation Board Central Seat Allocation Board Central Seat Allocation Board
Official Website
Details Check Here -- -- Check Here

People Also Ask

Ques. When JEE Main Counselling will start?

Ans. JEE Main Counselling 2023 is conducted through two different process- JoSAA and CSAB. JoSAA is conducted after the declaration of JEE Main and Advanced results while CSAB counselling is conducted after the completion of six rounds of JoSAA counselling. JoSAA 2023 registrations is done for admission to 114 academic institutions. The registration process is yet to start.

Ques. Who can sit for JEE Main Counselling?

Ans. Candidates with valid JEE Main scores can sit for the counselling process. For admission to NITs, IIITs and GFTIs candidates must have valid JEE Main scores. Additionally, the candidates must fulfill the academic requirement at each of the participating institutes.

CSAB Special Counselling

JEE Main Counselling 2023- CSAB Special

Right after JoSAA rounds, CSAB conducts a special counselling round for vacant seats at NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. CSAB Special 2023 Counselling is usually conducted in two rounds. Candidates can read the section below to know details on CSAB Special Counselling 2023.

Direct Link to CSAB Special Counselling 2023 Seat Allotment- Round 2 (Soon) CSAB Special Counselling 2023 Information Brochure (Soon)

CSAB Special Counselling 2023 Date and Time

Events Dates
Display of Vacancies after JoSAA Rounds To be Announced
Registration, Payment of Special Round Enrollment Fee & Choice Filling, Physical Verification of PwD candidates Starts To be Announced
Registration and Payment of Special Round Enrollment Fee Ends To be Announced
Choice Filling and Physical Verification of PwD candidates Ends To be Announced
Display of CSAB Special Round 1 Seat Allotment To be Announced
Exercising Willingness (Freeze/ Slide/ Float/ Surrender/ Withdraw/ Exit), Online Reporting To be Announced
Last Day to respond to queries of Document verifying officer To be Announced
Display of CSAB Special Round 2 Seat Allotment  To be Announced
Online Reporting To be Announced
Last Day to respond to queries of Document verifying officer To be Announced
Physical Reporting at Allotted Institutes and Balance Fee Payment To be Announced
JoSAA Counselling

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA

JoSAA Counselling 2023 has concluded successfully at Candidates with valid JEE Main scores were eligible to participate in JoSAA 2023 for admission to NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs.

  • JoSAA Counselling is conducted in six rounds. However, two special rounds called CSAB special are conducted to fill the vacant seats available after the six rounds of JoSAA.
  • A category-wise wise opening and closing rank is released after each round of JoSAA Counselling. This opening and closing ranks is the admission cut off for JEE Main.
  • The opening rank is the lowest eligible rank to secure admission while the closing rank is the highest eligible rank to secure admission in one of the participating institution.

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA Dates

Event Date
Result JEE Main 2023 Result To be Announced
JEE Advanced 2023 Result To be Announced
AAT 2023 Result To be Announced
Candidate Registration and Choice JoSAA 2023 Candidate Registration/ Choice Filling To be Announced
JoSAA 2023 Candidate Registration/ Choice Filling for AAT-specific choices To be Announced
Display of Mock Seat Allocation-1 (based on the choices filled in as of Sept 17, 20:00 IST) To be Announced
Display of Mock Seat Allocation-2 (based on the choices filled in as of Sept 19, 17:00 IST) JoSAA 2023 Choice Locking To be Announced
Last Date for JoSAA 2023 Candidate Registration/ Choice Filling To be Announced
Reconciliation of data, verification, and validation of allocated seats To be Announced
Round 1 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 1 To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
Round 2 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 2 To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
Initiation of Withdrawal of Seat / Exit from Seat Allocation Process To be Announced
Withdrawal Query Response To be Announced
Round 3 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 3 To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
Initiation of Withdrawal of Seat / Exit from Seat Allocation Process To be Announced
Withdrawal Query Response To be Announced
Round 4 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 4 To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
Initiation of Withdrawal of Seat / Exit from Seat Allocation Process To be Announced
Withdrawal Query Response To be Announced
Round 5 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 5 To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
Initiation of Withdrawal of Seat / Exit from Seat Allocation Process To be Announced
Withdrawal Query Response To be Announced
Round 6 JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 6 (Final Round of seat allocation for IITs) To be Announced
Online reporting: Fee Payment / Document Upload / Response by candidate to query (if required) To be Announced
Last day to respond to query To be Announced
For NIT+ system only Initiation of Withdrawal of Seat (Round 6) To be Announced
Withdrawal Query Response To be Announced
Online payment of Partial Admission Fee (PAF) To be Announced

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA Documents Required

The list of documents required during JoSAA Counselling 2023 has been listed below-

  • Class X Mark Sheet/Certificate
  • Aadhar Card (for Date of Birth
  • Class XII Mark Sheet and Certificate (Qualifying Examination)
  • Certificate of category (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/GEN-EWS), if applicable
  • Original Certificate for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), if applicable
  • Crossed Bank Cheque copy / Image of Passbook with bank account details
  • Medical Certificate (in specified Format available on JoSAA website)
  • Passport (if applicable)
  • JEE Main/ JEE Advanced Admit Card

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA Registration and Seat Allotment

​Listed below are the steps involved in JEE Main Counselling and Seat Allotment Process through JoSAA 2023:

JEE Main Counselling, JEE Main Counselling 2018

Step 1: Online Registration

  • Click on the link of JoSAA under the Official Website
  • Login using JEE Main 2023 Application Number, Password, and Security Pin
  • Read the instructions carefully and click on “I Agree”
  • Fill in the required details in the JoSAA Counselling Form
  • Select the Declaration and click on Submit
  • Verify all the furnished details and click on “Confirm Registration” button

Step 2: Online Choice Filling and Locking

  • Select choice of colleges and programs.
  • Candidates can opt for change/edit/delete their filled choices
  • Lock the choices before the last date.
  • Choice Locking can be done after each round of JEE Main 2020 Counselling.

Step 3: JoSAA 2023 Seat Allotment

The counselling and seat allotment authority, JoSAA will take into account the following factors before allocating the highest possible seat according to candidates’ choices:

  • Candidate’s Category (Gen., OBC-NCL, SC, etc.)
  • All India Rank (AIR) in JEE Main 2023 rank list(s)
  • According to the priority order of choices by the candidates for academic programs and institutes
  • Availability of seats under different seat categories/seat quotas for which the candidate is eligible.
Note: Candidates will be notified about Seat Allotment through mail or SMS on their registered email ID and mobile number respectively a few days after Choice Locking.

Step 4: Seat Acceptance Fee Payment and Document Verification

  • Pay the Seat Acceptance fee for the allotted seats through Net Banking/e-Challan.
  • All the documents will be verified at the reporting center.
  • After verification of the documents and payment of the fee, a provisional admission letter will be issued.
Note: For Open Category candidates, the seat acceptance fee is INR 35,000, while candidates belonging to SC/ST/SC-PwD/ST-PwD/GEN-PwD/OBC-NCL-PwD categories will have to pay INR 15,000 as the seat acceptance fee.

Step 5: Reporting to the Allotted College

The final step in JEE Main 2023 Counselling is reporting to the assigned institutes with original certificates and documents on the allotted date and time slot.

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA Seat Matrix

JoSAA offers admission to a total of 54477 seats at 114 participating colleges. The category-wise JoSAA Seat Matrix 2022 has been tabulated below for reference-

JoSAA Seat Matrix 2022
Categories IITs NITs IIITs GFTIs
Open 6383 9178 2822 3149
Open-PwD 346 469 129 171
Gen EWS 1568 2264 658 640
Gen EWS- PwD 84 133 30 33
SC 2370 3366 1006 922
SC- PwD 122 190 49 51
ST 1179 2032 512 557
ST- PwD 61 106 18 27
OBC- NCL 4259 5939 1810 1155
OBC-NCL- PwD 226 317 92 54
Total 16598 23994 7126 6759

JEE Main Counselling 2023: JoSAA OR-CR

JoSAA OR and CR is the admission cut off for B.Tech/ B.Arch admission at one of the participating institutions. Candidates can refer to the PDFs below to know the year-wise JoSAA OR-CR for previous years. Meanwhile, JoSAA 2023 OR-CR will be updated here after each round of seat allotment. Check JEE Main Cut off 2023

JoSAA 2022 Opening and Closing Ranks

Rounds JoSAA Admission Cutoff 2022- Opening and Closing Ranks
Round 1 Check Here Check Here Check Here Check Here
Round 2 Check Here Check Here Check Here Check Here
Round 3 Check Here Check Here Check Here Check Here
Round 4 Check Here Check Here Check Here Check Here

JoSAA 2021 Opening and Closing Ranks

People Also Ask

Ques. Who are eligible for JoSAA Counselling 2023?

Ans. Candidates with valid JEE Main 2023 scores or JEE Advanced 2023 scores are eligible for JoSAA Counselling 2023. Additionally, candidates must be eligible for B.Tech/ B.Arch admission at the allotted institute. Candidates applying for admission program must have passed Class 12 with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational subjects. Meanwhile, for B.Arch candidates must passed Class 12 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. For B.Planning program, candidates must passed Class 12 with Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

Ques. When can I apply for JoSAA Counselling 2023?

Ans. JoSAA 2023 registration have yet to start. Candidates must make sure to complete their registration and choice filling by the last date.

Ques. Is JoSAA only for NIT?

Ans. JoSAA Counselling 2023 is conducted for admission to 114 academic institutions. These include 23 IITs, 31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs and 33 Other-Government Funded Technical Institutes (Other-GFTIs). JoSAA Counselling for IITs is based on JEE Advanced scores while JoSAA Counselling for NIT + system (31 NITs, IIEST Shibpur, 26 IIITs and 33 GFTIs) is based on JEE Main scores.

Ques. Is JoSAA Counselling done after JEE Mains?

Ans. JoSAA Counselling is conducted after the declaration of JEE Main and JEE Advanced results. Since candidates’ scores in JEE Main and Advanced is used for B.Tech/ B.Arch admissions, JoSAA Counselling is conducted after the results have been announced for both the exams. Only JEE Main and JEE Advanced qualified candidates are able to apply for JoSAA for admissions to NIT + system and IIT respectively.

CSAB NEUT Counselling

JEE Main Counselling 2023- CSAB NEUT and CSAB SFTI

JEE Main counselling of CSAB NEUT and CSAB SFTI is similar to that of JoSAA. Listed below is a brief about counselling for NEUT and SFTI: 

CSAB NEUT Counselling 2023

  • It is conducted for filling up supernumerary seats in North East Region and Union Territories.
  • The counselling would be organized by the Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB). 

Know more JEE Main CSAB NEUT Counselling

CSAB NEUT Counselling 2023 Date and Time

Events Date and Time
Registration and Document Uploading To be Announced
Document Verification To be Announced
Choice Filling To be Announced
Reconciliation of data, verification and validation of allocated seats by authorities To be Announced
CSAB NEUT Seat Allotment for Round 1 To be Announced
Online Reporting and Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) To be Announced
Reconciliation of data, verification and validation of allocated seats by authorities To be Announced
CSAB NEUT Seat Allotment for Round 2 To be Announced
Online Reporting and Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee (SAF) To be Announced
Seat Withdrawal To be Announced
Reporting at Allotted Institute for Admission To be Announced
CSAB NEUT Spot Round (if any) To be Announced
Reporting Center to Report Admission Data to CSAB To be Announced

CSAB SFTI Counselling 2023

  • It is conducted for admitting candidates in Self Financing Technical Institutes.
  • Seat allocation is strictly based on the order of preference filled by the candidates based on their JEE Main All India Rank (AIR) in Paper I and Paper II respectively.
  • There are 34 participating institutes in CSAB SFTI. 

Know more JEE Main CSAB SFTI Counselling

Frequently Asked Questions

JEE Main Counselling 2023 FAQs

Ques. For JEE Main Counselling 2023, can the choice be filled at the Reporting Center (RC) itself?

Ans. No, choice-filling has to be done online before the date specified. After that, there is no option of choice filling or reordering. All the rounds of seat allotment will be done on these choices. Document verification and seat acceptance will be done soon after the process of choice-filling.

Ques. What all JEE Main Counselling processes take place at the Reporting Center (RC)?

Ans. A candidate who has been offered a seat (as per their choices) will have to report in person at an RC for document verification to accept the seat.

Ques. If I am not interested in the seat offered through JEE Main 2023 Seat Allotment, can I still participate in the further counselling rounds without accepting that seat?

Ans. You must not fill-in the courses that you are not interested to pursue it. If you do not accept the seat, you will be out of the seat allotment process and hence, will not be allowed to participate in further rounds.

Ques. Will there be a separate JEE Main 2023 Seat Allotment process for preparatory courses?

Ans. No, preparatory courses will be allotted along with all other courses only. All the qualified candidates seeking admission in IITs/NITs/IIITs/Other-GFTIs, must fill-in their choices during the choice filling process. Admission to IITs is based on JEE Advanced Score.

Ques. I have been offered a seat in the first round of JEE Main 2023 Counselling but I will not be able to accept the seat at this moment. Can I accept that same seat later?

Ans. No, if you do not report in person in the respective seat acceptance period of the round, you will lose the seat and you will be out of the allotment process.

Ques. If I have paid the seat acceptance fee but wish to not take the seat by not reporting at the allocated Reporting Centre. How can I claim my JEE Main Counselling seat accpetance refund?

Ans. You can claim your refund online. Login to JoSAA portal and file your request online, request will be processed in a few days.

Ques. When and where can I register for JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. All the eligible candidates will be able to register for the JEE Main counselling on the official website i.e. as soon as the counselling process will start.

Ques. How is JEE Main Seat Allotment procedure conducted?

Ans. In the seat allotment process, the candidates will be allotted seats on the basis of their merit, choice filling and availability of seats. But, before the actual seat allotment, mock allotment of seats will take place.

Ques. What is mock allotment of seats in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. Mock allotment of seats is a process that allows the candidates to know the seat allotment process so that they get familiar with the seat allotment process and are able to choose better preferences for themselves in the main rounds. They are two rounds of mock allotment of seats.

Ques. What is the process of Fee Payment & Seat Acceptance in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. After the allotment of seat, candidates will have to choose any option from - Freeze, Float, Slide and withdraw and then step for the payment of fees.

Ques. What is meant by Freeze option in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. If a candidate wishes to accept the seat allotted and does not want to participate in further rounds of seat allotment, he can choose the Freeze option.

Ques. What is meant by Float option in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. If a candidate wants to keep the seat allotted and also wish to upgrade his seat, he can choose the Float option.

Ques. What is meant by Slide option in JEE Main Counselling seat acceptance process?

Ans. If a candidate wants to accept the seat allotted and wish to upgrade the course in the same institute, he can choose the Slide option.

Ques. What is meant by withdrawing option in JEE Main Counselling seat acceptance process?

Ans. If a candidate has already accepted the seat then he can choose the withdraw option and report the institute allotted before the last round of seat allotment.

Ques. Is the fee for JEE Main 2023 Counselling same for all the categories?

Ans. No, the fee is different for all the categories. The fee for General candidates is INR 45000. While, the fee for SC/ ST/ SC-PwD/ ST-PwD/ GEN-PwD/ OBC-NCL-PwD is INR 20,000.

Ques. What is the process of verification of documents in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. In this process, the candidates are called for the verification of documents for admissions. Listed below are the documents:

  • 3 passport size photographs (the same as uploaded during registration)
  • Provisional JoSAA seat allotment letter
  • Photo identity card
  • Proof of seat acceptance fee payment
  • JEE Main 2021 Admit Card
  • Date of birth proof
  • JEE Main 2021 Score Card
  • Class X & XII Mark sheet
  • Category certificate (if applicable)

Ques. What is meant by dual reporting in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. If a candidate has accepted a seat of an NIT in the previous roaund and his seat is upgraded to an IIT in the next round, then he will have to report at the Reporting centre of the IIT and accept the seat even if he has reported at the NIT otherwise, he will lose both the seats. As the process involves two reporting it is called dual reporting.

Ques. I am a resident of Gujarat but I have cleared my Class 12th examination from West Bengal, What will be my state code of eligibility in JEE Main Counselling?

Ans. The state code of eligibility of the candidate will be of West Bengal i.e. the state code of eligibility depends on the state of class 12th and not the native place.

Ques. What will happen if I do not “lock” my choices in JEE Main Counselling 2023?

Ans. If you do not lock your choices, the last saved choices/preferences will be locked automatically at the conclusion of the time-window for filling-in of choices.

Ques. In JEE Main Counselling, if I have accepted my seat at NIT but my seat is upgraded to IIT and I do not report at IIT, then will my seat at NIT be considered?

Ans. No, if you do not report at IIT, you will lose both your seats. Reporting and confirming the status of your seat is mandatory. Failing to do so will result in cancellation of admissions.

Ques. Do I need to submit the JEE Main acceptance fee again if I have been allotted IIT in the next round?

Ans. No, once you have paid the acceptance fee, you do not have to pay the fees again.

Ques. Will my JEE Main seat acceptance fee be refunded if I withdraw my seat?

Ans. Yes, your seat acceptance fee will be refunded after a deduction of INR 1000 as processing fee.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Main 2025 : 17 Answered Questions

Ques. What marks and rank are required in the JEE Mains exam for CSE in NIT Trichy?

To get admitted to NIT Trichy in 2024 you will have to look at the category-wise cut-off given in the following table. Category Cutoff General 936-5164 EWS 1032-3280 OBC-NCL 1071-1778 SC 499-1450 ST 767-1472 If you are a General category student, you will need to secure 75% in your 12th board to be part of the top 20th percentile and for SC/ST students it is 65%. You will be considered for admission if your rank is higher than the closing ranks. In 2023, the cutoff for JEE Main was 358-14406 rank....Read More
Answer By  31 May 24
2 Answer

Ques. Can I get into NIT Calicut with 93 percentile in JEE Main?

For admission into NITs, you must have obtained a good percentile in JEE MAIN 2024. 93 percentile will roughly correspond to a rank between 81,351-82,500. Now, here are the previous year cutoffs for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut- 2023 JEE MAIN Cutoff for NIT Calicut (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats) Branch HS OS Bio Technology 44304 38003 Chemical 34186 30047 Civil Engineering 45465 37216 CSE 10512 5256 ECE 15076 9358 Electrical & Electronics 20628 14740 Engineering Physics 26910 18337 Materials Science and Engineering 39572 38388 Mechanical Engineering 26786 22734 Production Engineering 45059 36530 Based on the previous year cutoffs, you can analyse and understand the basic rank requirement for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut.  Unfortunately, 93 percentile ( a rank roughly between 81,351-82,500) is not enough to get you a seat in NIT Calicut.  But the situation may be different if you are a reserved category candidate. You can visit the official JoSAA website for more information on 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for NIT Calicut- More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. I got 95 percentile in JEE MAIN. Can I get admission into NIT Calicut with this score?

In general, candidates need a percentile between 85 to 95 for B.Tech admission in NITs.  However, this range may vary based on the categories of the students, and the NIT in question. Also, the admission depends on the rank obtained. Here are the expected 2024 cutoff percentile for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs- Expected JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs Category Percentile General 90+ PwD - EWS 74+ OBC 74+ SC 52 ST 37 I hope this answer provided you with some clarity on the expected cutoff percentile for B.Tech admission at top NITs like NIT Calicut. ...Read More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?

IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement. The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur. Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)- IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions  Branch HS OS Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280 Civil Engineering 49928 52036 Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711 Electrical Engineering 23153 28582 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207 Information Technology 18259 16809 Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579 Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002 Mining Engineering 53265 54788 I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. ...Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 20,000 rank in JEE Main enough to get me a seat in DTU?

First of all, congratulations on securing such an impressive rank in JEE Main 2024. I am a second year B.Tech IT student at DTU. 20,000 is a pretty good rank and it will open ample branch options for you, even more if you are a Delhi Candidate. I have mentioned below the previous year JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU- JEE MAIN 2023 Cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU (General Category) Branch Non-Delhi Candidate Delhi Candidate B.Tech Computer Engineering 6,224 13,345 B.Tech Information Technology 8,047 16,364 B.Tech Software Engineering 10,742 19,967 B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 14,191 22,844 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 17,427 31,328 B.Tech Electrical Engineering 26,778 45,966 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 34,761 58,304 B.Tech Engineering Physics 35,157 60,976 B.Tech Automotive Engineering 38,448 68,769 B.Tech Chemical Engineering 1,55,628 97,229 B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 1,67,573 99,535 B.Tech Civil Engineering 1,83,336 5,84,235 B.Tech Biotechnology 1,99,849 7,06,173 B.Tech Environmental Engineering 2,03,503 8,81,148 Unfortunately, a rank of 20,000 in JEE MAIN won’t fetch you a seat in Computer Engineering / IT / Software Engineering at DTU. You won’t get admission into Mathematics & Computing or ECE if you are a non-delhi candidate. But all the other branches will be most certainly open for you. In case you are a Delhi candidate, things will be even more in your favor. I hope you choose a good branch at DTU, and begin your journey at this esteemed engineering college....Read More
Answer By  24 May 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for choosing exam centers in India and countries other than India varies. Also, the application fee for the online and offline modes of examination differs.

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