bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero
Question: When girls are educated in single-sex secondary schools, they tend to do better academically than girls who attend mixed-sex schools. Since Alice achieved higher grades than any other woman in her first year at the university, she was probably educated at a single-sex school.
Which one of the following most closely parallels the flawed reasoning used in the argument above?
(A) When students have individual tutoring in math, they usually get good grades on their final exams. Celia had individual tutoring in math so she will probably get a good grade.
(B) When babies are taught to swim, they have more than the average number of ear infections as they grow up. Janice has more ear infections than any other person at the local swimming club, so she probably was taught
to swim when she was a baby.
(C) When children study music at an early age, they later tend to appreciate a wide variety of music, so the talent of future musicians is best fostered at an early age.
(D) When children practice their piano scales for half an hour each day, they usually pass their piano exams. Sally practices scales for less than half an hour each day, so she will probably fail her piano exam.
(E) When children have parents who help them with their homework, they usually do well in school. Therefore, having help with homework is probably the cause of high academic achievement.
Answer: B
Explanation: Your capacity for analysis and critical thought will be evaluated on the GMAT's critical reasoning section. One needs a lot of mental capacity to respond clearly.
Each alternative needs to be carefully considered before a decision is made. Only one of the available five options will be accurate. The candidate must consider a variety of factors in order to make the optimal decision.
Let's approach the answer choices.
A: Incorrect
It is an incorrect choice. This option is a straightforward restatement in which the conditional premise is repeated in the conclusion. First line:
Sufficient necessary
Individualized math instruction Excellent finals grades
Then, we learn that Celia had private tutoring, therefore it is reasonable to assume that she will likely earn high grades. This is a good argument, hence (A) is incorrect.
This answer choice deals with the same topic as the stimulus (academics and graduates), which makes it much less likely to be correct.
B: Correct
It is the correct choice.
The reversal error is the same as the stimulus. First clause:
Sufficient necessary
Babies who have been trained to swim more ear infections
The author goes on to say that Janice was presumably trained to swim as a baby because she suffers more ear infections than everyone else in the swimming group. Take note of the sudden turnaround that just happened! She may have more ear infections than the other members of the swim club for other reasons besides having been taught to swim as a baby, therefore this duplicates the stimulus' fault.
C: Incorrect
It is an incorrect answer. Here, a new third word is being introduced rather than a reversal or restatement. The author in (C) begins with the conditional form but then carries on to the conclusion regarding the talent of aspiring musicians by saying (learn music early:arrow: enjoy diversity). This new word eliminates this option from consideration right away.
D: Incorrect
It is an incorrect answer. Although the reasoning in this answer option is incorrect, it is not quite as poor as the rationale in the stimulus. Instead, this is referred to as a "Mistaken Negation," in which the absence of the necessary condition is inferred erroneously from the presence of the sufficient condition.
E: Incorrect
It is the wrong choice. There are a few problems with this response option. It first and foremost conflates conditionality and causality. From the stimulus, we can only infer that there is a valid association, not that females perform better academically because of single-sex schools. Hence, asserting that the first component led to the second does not make sense in light of the stimulus. Second, this situation does not reverse. We are aware that there must be a reversal because without one, the solution is immediately ruled out. Last but not least, the topic of academic accomplishment causes me anxiety. It is exceedingly rare that the same subject as the stimulus will be repeated in the correct answer.
“When girls are educated in single-sex secondary schools, they tend to” – is a GMAT Critical question. To answer the question, a candidate can either find a piece of evidence that would weaken the argument or have logical flaws in the argument. GMAT critical reasoning tests the logical and analytical skills of the candidates. This topic requires candidates to find the argument's strengths and weaknesses or the logical flaw in the argument. The GMAT CR section contains 10 -13 GMAT critical reasoning questions out of 36 GMAT verbal questions.
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