DU UG Admission 2021 Witnesses Highest Applications from Kerala Board Students Followed by Other State Boards; Check Details

Delhi University has witnessed a large number of students seeking DU UG Admission 2021 from the state board of Kerala, followed by Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh state boards. 

A nine-member panel constituted by the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University, Yogesh Singh has recorded that a higher number of admissions has been witnessed from the southern board than that of Haryana, Punjab, and UP state boards despite them being Delhi's neighbours.

According to the data, this year, the total mean DU UG Admission 2021 percentage is 98.43%, which is the highest from the Kerala board amongst all the other boards. 

The varsity formed a committee under the chairmanship of Dean (Examinations) DS Rawat to examine the reasons for over and under admissions to DU UG courses, and study the board-wise distribution of admissions in all the undergraduate courses.

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Further, the committee suggested alternative strategies for optimal admissions in undergraduate courses and examined the OBC admissions with reference to the Non-Creamy Layer status.

As per the committee's analysis on the admission data that are based on the cutoff of the 39 boards, the highest intake of students was shown from the CBSE board with 37,767, followed by the Kerala Board of Higher Secondary Education with 1,890 students, Haryana Board with 1,824, ISC with 1,606 and the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan with 1,329 students. 

This year, the five state boards have contributed more than 90% of the applicants who have applied for the DU undergraduate admissions 2021, the report said. 

According to the data, the highest number of admissions taken was from the Kerala Board. The rate is reported to be higher than that of the total number of admissions from the Board of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh, Board of School Education Haryana, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan, U.P. Board, and Punjab School Education Board. 

Although, these states are the neighbouring states of the NCT of Delhi.

The report highlighted the data with respect to the board-wise mean admission percentage of students admitted in the varsity, which shows that the five boards constitute more than 90% of the total admissions, and have varied mean percentages.

As there has been significant variation in the marking pattern of all the school boards across the country, it requires an appropriate benchmarking to instill significant equity in the process of undergraduate admissions, the report said. 

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