DU Colleges Reopening: Delhi University to Reopen its Campuses Today After 11 Months

Delhi University (DU) will reopen its campuses from today; February 1, 2021. Final year students who need the laboratories and libraries for practice have been asked to return to their campuses. Meanwhile the theory classes will continue to be held in online mode. 

Delhi University has also issued that the university colleges, departments and centres will be fully functional from today. The teaching and non-teaching staff have been notified to return to their workplace.

Abiding by Covid -19 Guidelines, the returning of students has been made voluntary by the university. Only the students who feel the need to visit their campus for academic practice, can return.

Check: Delhi University Admission Procedure and Eligibility Criteria

In a notice published by the university, it has been mentioned that students can return on a voluntary basis and in small batches. Overcrowding should be avoided. 

“Only final-year students in small batches are allowed to visit their respective colleges/ centres/departments for laboratory / practical/skills, library and other related activities as per discretion of respective principal/ director/ head in line with University Grants Commission guidelines and SOPs dated November 5, 2020, and MHA order dated January 27, 202,” read a notice issued by registrar Vikas Gupta, DU. 

The students of first and second year will continue with their online classes till further informed. The University has also issued that Each section-in-charge or head will be asked to plan the timings of lectures in a way that there is no crowding at any time. Separate entry-and-exit gates will also have to be marked to ensure minimum possible contact among the students and staff members.

SRCC has constructed a roster with the teachers available on different days for different practicals. This will give the students a scheduled entry in the campus. Whereas, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (DDU) College will conduct all practical classes of one class on one day of the week.

Though, colleges are gearing up to welcome students for offline classes, hostel facilities remain to discontinue. Delhi University has not published any notice for the reopening of hostels in the campus. 

Also Read: DU Works on Framing SOPs for Final Year Physical Classes; Cameras to be Set up for Video Streaming Classes Online
