DME Tripura Notifies NEET-PG 2022 Admission Process; Check Details Here

New Delhi: The Directorate of Medical Education (DME) Tirupura has released a notification regarding the NEET-PG 2022 Counselling and admissions process for the academic year 2022-23. 

DME Tripura Notifies NEET-PG 2022 Admission Process; Check Details Here

According to the official notification, the online counselling for NEET-PG 2022 is likely to commence shortly. 

An educational notification consisting of counselling schedule including online registration, and choice filling by the candidates and seat matrix for the first round of Tripura State NEET PG (MD/ MS), post MBBS diploma course 2022 for state quota seats at Agartala Govt Medical college (AGMC), Tripura Medical College (TMC) and Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGM) and non-govt PG seats at TMC for state quota eligible candidates and eligible ex-students of (AGMC) and TMC will be released shortly. 

Admission to the State quota /domicile seats and seats in the private medical college affiliated to Tripura University in a variety of PG Medical Courses shall be based on the Inter Se Merit of NEET PG (MD/MS) POST MBBS DIPLOMA) 2022 through single point entry of various categories of UR/ST/SC/PWD (Physically Handicapped), WESM (Ward of ex-serviceman) & EWS (Economically Weaker Section) successful candidates as per cut-off marks determined by NBE/MCl/NMC/MoHFW, New Delhi at the point of time and with applicable incentive for eligible inservice candidates. 

The Tripura State PG (MD/MS) 2022 Counselling Committee shall be the counselling authority for the aforementioned positions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must be a Citizen of India and a domicile of the State of Tripura 
  • Candidates must have obtained the MBBS degree from any Medical College Recognized by MCl/NMC with an MBBS Registration Certificate from Tripura State Medical Council.
  • Candidates must have completed the compulsory Rotatory Internship for 1 year on or before 31/5/2022. They should possess registration from the State Registration Council or Central Registration Council. 
  • If the candidate is not get the registration from the Medical Council of the State of Tripura and subsequently, they must produce the said registration after getting registered of the Tripura Medical Council within 3 months of their admission for the PG Courses to the concerned Institution for candidates admitted in Medical Colleges of the State as well as to the office of the DME, Tripura. 
  • Candidates will have to register their name in Tripura State PG (MD/MS) Post MBBS Diploma Counselling 2022 with requisite fees, security deposits, information, and documents, whichever and wherever applicable in Round 1 and Round 2. 
  • There will be no fresh Registration in the MOP -UP Round. 
  • Candidates must have obtained qualifying marks in NEET PG 2022 to participate in the counselling. 

Eligibility for the Non-Govt. Quota at Tripura Medical College:

  • Candidates must have qualified for NEET PG-2022. 
  • Candidates must be a permanent resident of Tripura and pass out MBBS from Tripura or any other State.
  • Ex-Students, Pass out MBBS from TMC of Agartala Government Medical College irrespective of Tripura domiciled or belonging to other State of India /any Union territory.
  • These candidates must note that admissions to the PG Medical Degree Courses will  not be allowed unless the candidate has got themself registered with the Tripura State Medical Council or with the Medical Council of India and completed their internship within 31st May 2022. 
  • Candidates who did not register in the Tripura State Medical Council during the counselling time must register their name with the state medical council within 3 months from the date of admission if allotted and admitted. 
  • Candidates pursuing any course of study or internship training in any Institution/University are not eligible for admission if they did not complete the internship by 31st May 2022. 
  • Such candidates shall submit the completion certificate from the Head of the concerned Institution regarding their internship training to have completed on or before 31st May 2022. 
  • Candidates pursuing any course at present must submit acceptance of resignation and release certificate regarding their pursuing courses from the Head of the Concerned Institution before getting admission to the PG Courses of academic session 2022 (MD/MS and Post MBBS Diploma) if selected. 
  • Selection of candidates for PG Course shall be in accordance with Medical Council of India, Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2000 as amended from time to time, as denoted in regulations clause 9.

Minimum percentage criteria to be scored at NEET PG:

  1. General Category – 50% 
  2. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other Backward Classes – 40%

In-service Candidates:

  • In-service candidates will have to fulfill their eligibility criteria as mentioned in clause 9(3) of PGMER & they'll have to state the number of completed years of service in Rural/ Difficult/ Remote Areas as determined by Appointing Authority/ Director of Health Services, Government of Tripura with Relevant Certificates to get the Incentives of additional 10 % marks per year of Rural /Difficult/ Remote Service up to a maximum of 30 % marks that they obtained in the NEET PG 2022 for 3 years or more of service in Rural /Difficult/ Remote areas of Tripura. 

Seat details :

  • According to the DME, all the reserved seats in Medical Colleges/Institutions for respective categories will be as per applicable laws prevailing in States/ Union Territories. 
  • An all-India merit list and the eligible candidates' state-wise merit shall be prepared based on the marks obtained in the NEET and candidates shall be admitted to Postgraduate Courses from the said merit lists only. 
  • 50% of the seats in PG Diploma Courses will be reserved for medical officers in the Government service who have served for at least three years in remote and /or difficult areas and/or rural areas. 
  • After acquiring the PG Diploma, the Medical Officers will serve for two more years in remote and difficult areas and /or rural areas as defined by the State Government/Competent Authority from time to time. 
  • The seats will be distributed in the counselling as per merit and seat matrix as per existing Tripura State Reservation Rules for the State Quota seats and Tripura govt. seats (for State Quota/domicile candidate),  
  • The seat will be distributed as per merit and seat matrix as per Central Reservation Rules for All India Candidates other than Tripura domicile seats. 
  • EWS, WESM, and PWD reservations will be followed as per the guidelines. There will be no provision of change in any information of a candidate after the conduct of Examination and/or declaration of result in Tripura State NEET PG 2022 counselling in the distribution of PG seats. 
  • Tripura State NEET PG 2022 Counselling Committee shall distribute the PG seats in the said online/offline counselling as per the seat matrix and merit list/ NEET-PG results 2022. 

Merit List:

  • The selection of the PG Medical courses students' will be strictly based on their inter-se-merit in NEET PG 2022 through single point entry. 
  • State wise merit list of the eligible candidates will be prepared based on marks obtained in NEET PG Test, and candidates shall be admitted to PG courses from the said merit list only.

Counselling and Admission:

  • Only the registered eligible candidates for the Tripura State NEET PG (MD/MS) 2022 will be eligible to participate in the said counselling respectively.
  • The Selection /Nomination/ Admission against any PG seats in respect to a candidate shall be canceled at any point of time if a candidate is found to have submitted any false/ fabricated/ erased/incomplete/indistinct/untraced documents or any false information in obtaining eligibility for NEET PG 2022 examination/registration. 
  • There will be 3 (three) rounds of counselling: Round -1 & Round- 2 of the said counselling will be performed online.
  • Post that, a Mop-Up offline round of counselling will be held, subject to the availability of seats. 
  • A Stray Vacancy Round (offline counselling) may be conducted in the Institutions of Tripura, which shall be performed by the concerned Institutions subjecting to the availability of still vacant seats after completion of the Mop-Up round. 
  • Candidates will be shortlisted as per merit and choice filled up/opted by the candidates for admission to different PG medicall courses in the Medical Colleges of the State of Tripura or outside the State through Online Counselling (Round-1 & Round-2) and there after Mop-Up round offline counselling strictly according to the time schedule which would be published/notified by the appropriate authority in due course. 
  • Candidates must register their names with requisite registration fees through online IDs) INR 7,000 per Candidate for the General category and Rs. 6,000 for SC, ST& PWD categories for round-1 participation. 
  • The registration will be allowed beyond the scheduled period of registration. 
  • Security deposit in the Second Round is Mandatory for all the Registered Candidates willing to take part in the Second Round. 
  • Registration with a deposit of registration fees is mandatory for candidates willing to participate in each of Round 1 and or Round 2. 
  • A separate registration fee does not apply to a candidate willing to participate in Round 2 if they register in Round 1 with requisite registration fees. But Security Deposit to participate in Round 2 is mandatory for all candidates. 

Security Deposit:

  1. Candidates intending to take part for AGMC (Govt) seats shall have to deposit Rs. 25000 for General Candidate and Rs. 12500 for SC, ST candidate. 
  2. Candidates intending to participate for only Private seats at TMC shall have to deposit Rs. 2 lac irrespective of category, 
  3. Candidates willing to participate in both private and Government seats will have to deposit an amount of Rs. 2 lac only, irrespective of category. 

No AIQ seats will be reverted back to the respective states after the completion of AIQ round. Fresh registration in the 2nd round is available to fresh candidates who did not register their candidature in Round -1. 

However, they will have to deposit the mandatory security deposit for Round 2, registration fees for participation in Round 2 not registered in Round 1, and the compulsory security deposit for Round 2. 

Documents Required for Submission:

  1. Admit Card of NEET PG. 
  2. All India NEET PG Rank Card. 
  3. University MBBS Degree Certificate.
  4. Mark Sheet of MBBS Degree Certificates of 15t, 2nd 86 Final MBBS (including all pre-clinical, Para clinical 86 Clinical subjects). 
  5. Internship completion certificate. 
  6. Registration Certificate issued by MCl/State Medical Council. 
  7. School Leaving Certificate/Class X Mark sheet/Class X Admit card denoting the date of birth as proof of age. 
  8. ST/SC/PWD/WESM/EWS Certificate (whichever and wherever applicable). 
  9. PRTC (Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate) (in case of State domicile candidates only). 
  10. Photo. 
  11. Signature of the Candidate.
  12. Signature of the Parent/Guardian.
  13. Mobile phone number of the Candidate.
  14. E-mail ID of the Candidate. 

Candidates who don't upload the above documents/information shall not be considered for counselling and/or shall not be considered for any weightage in the marks (for in-service candidates). 

Instruction for the Principal of the institute:

The Principal/Head/Medical Superintendent of admitting Institutions will have to send the total list of admitted nominated candidates of a particular round immediately after the deadline and time of admission with Roll Number. 

All India Rank, Category and Sub-category (if any) along with number of vacant seats available to the Directorate of Medical Education. 

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