DMA Collaborates with IIET Ahmedabad and DTU-DCE to ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ Webinar

Delhi Management Association is collaborating with the International Institute of Entrepreneurship and Technology Ahmedabad as well as DTU-DCE Fraternity Forum to organize a webinar series under the theme of Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

The programme under DMA, IIET Ahmedabad and DTU-DCE will be inaugurated on 26 August. The topic of the first webinar will be How to Convert Technological Innovation into a Successful Stat-up Business.

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The chairperson of DMA opines that the topic is highly relevant in this day and age, especially for upcoming students, young engineers and innovators. “The Government of India is also very much focusing in this direction,” the chairperson said.

DMA was founded in 1955. It is a professional body that is dedicated to the dissemination of management principles and practices. Many PSUs, corporates, management institutes and universities are among its institutional members. Moreover, among its individual members are management professionals and consultants.

The International Centre of Entrepreneurship and Technology (iCreate) is an autonomous centre of excellence that expedites Next-Generation Entrepreneurship.
