DHSGSU UG/PG Admission 2020: Round 1 Counselling Cutoff Released; Direct Link Here

DHSGSU has released the UG and PG Admission 2020 Cut Off Marks for 1st Round Counselling for NCC and NSS Applicants. Check details here.

Qualifier candidates of DHSGSU Entrance Exam are eligible to take part in the counselling process. The counselling of some of the subjects which are of professional/technical nature may be done on-line. The details of the counselling and admission procedure, category-wise cut-off list, schedule, and dates, is available on the University website @dhsgsu.ac.in.

DHSGSU UG/PG Admission 2020: How to Check Cutoff

Candidates should follow  the steps mentioned below in order to check the cutoff list

Step 1: Visit the official website of DHSGSU @ dhsgsu.ac.in

Step 2:  Click on the link “CUT-OFF FOR UG, PG  ONLINE  COUNSELLING OF ADMISSION-2020-21”

Step 3: Download the PDF file and check the cutoff of your desired subject

DHSGSU UG/PG Admission 2020: Documents at the time of Counselling

candidates have to carry the following documents for verification at the time of counselling/admission process.

  • Counselling Letter and Application Form
  • Original Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, Mark-sheet of 10th class (DoB proof)
  • Original mark sheet of the qualifying examination
  • Evidence of appearing in qualifying exams (in case result is awaited)
  • Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC)
  • Income Certificate for SC/ST/OBC-NCL
  • Certificate of Physically Challenged, Ex-serviceman, NCC & NSS certificate (if applicable)
  • Four Passport size photographs
  • Self Attested photocopies of all documents
  • Gap Certificate on Notary affidavit (if there is a break in your study)

Read DHSGSU UGET, PGET, PHDET 2020 Results Declared; check details here

DHSGSU UG/PG Admission 2020: Counselling Procedure

Candidates will be admitted to a course/programme only when he/she satisfies all the eligibility requirements, appears in the UGET/PGET/PHDET, qualifies in the Entrance Test shortlisted in merit and completes all formalities required for admission in the course. The admissions shall be made strictly on the basis of merit index in the UGET/ PGET/ except PHDET, where the admission will be given on the basis of merit of interview and availability of seats in the course. It is necessary to produce all the required documents along with the payment of fee.
