DESU Begins Prelims for National Environment Youth Parliament 2022; Details Here

New Delhi: As per the statement made by DESU on Monday, January 17, 2022, it has started round 2 of prelims for its "National Environment Youth Parliament 2022" for 119 shortlisted participants.

The National Environment Youth Parliament 2022 "Nurturing Environment Leaders' ' is being organized by Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi (PSG), DSEU, and other universities from across the country. The parliament will be held at university, regional, zone, and national levels. 

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The parliament session for youth aims to educate the youth of the country about prevailing environmental problems and discuss various serious issues which are a threat to the safety of humans. 

DSEU Vice-Chancellor Neharika Vohra said, "Now that the discussion on environmental concerns has begun amongst our students, our aim is to ensure that we continue on this path and encourage our students to solve the most complex problems of the 21st century and find a way to create a sustainable future".

While congratulating all 119 shortlisted candidates for National Environment Youth Parliament 2022, Pro vice-chancellor, Snigdha Patnaik said that the shortlisted candidates will become the hope of the environment. 

With the right guidance and support, the participants will be able to find sustainable solutions for environmental-related problems. She further encouraged students to take part in youth environmental activities and contribute to making the world a better place. 

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“Environmental concseuerns have risen to an alarming level in the past couple of years. It is crucial to understand that we must include our coming generations in its process of preservation. You are the ones who will make the change, you will make this shift happen” she added.

Under the National Environment Youth Parliament 2022, candidates will have the opportunity to join the parliament session and express their opinions at the national level. The parliament session for youth at the university level is scheduled to commence on January 23, 2022. 

The session will be organized by Kurukshetra University, which is the regional head for Delhi and Haryana. The top eight participants will be selected from the group discussion round, which will further represent their university at NEYP 2022 at the regional level. 

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