Delhi University LLB, LLM First Merit List 2020 Out Now: Check Here

Delhi University has released both LLB and LLM First Merit List 2020 on December 1, at the official website of Delhi University, Law Faculty: Alternatively, all the direct links to admission lists are provided below. 

Candidates who applied for admission at Faculty of Law, Delhi University for LLB and LLM courses can check the official website now. The merit list includes details: form number, roll number, candidate’s name, category, final marks, allotted college, combined rank and qualifying marks. 

Selected candidates must complete their admission process by uploading the required documents and confirm their seats. Deadline for payment of fees is December 6, 2020. Following this, admission based on the second merit list will begin from December 8, 2020. 

Read Details: DU Admission 2020 (Faculty of Law)

Delhi University Admission 2020: How to Check First Merit List?

Follow the steps mentioned below to check DU LLB, LLM first merit list:

  1. Visit the official website of DU Law Faculty:
  2. On the homepage, click Admissions tab and select Admission 2020 option
  3. Both ‘LL.B. First Merit List 2020’ and ‘LL.M. First Merit List 2020’ links will be enlisted.
  4. Click on the required list link. 
  5. A PDF will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Check Roll No./Form No./Name and other details.
  7. Download the merit list for future reference.

Check Direct Link:

DU LLB First Merit List 2020 Check Here
DU LLM First Merit List 2020 Check Here

Delhi University has also informed, once the centres are allotted, they will not be changed under any circumstances. Moreover, candidates failing to complete all their admission formalities within the stipulated dates will be forfeited of their candidature.

Read: Delhi University, Rules for Allocation of Law Centres in Faculty of Law

DU LLB, LLM Merit List Declared: What Next?

Once the results are declared, selected candidates have to pay their admission fee at the assigned college to confirm their seats. Candidates have to upload their documents at the university website and pay fees in online within December 6, 2020. 

Documents required for verification include: 

  • E-admit card, Rank Card of DU LLB 2020
  • Application form for DU LLB 2020
  • Original copies of 10th, 12th  pass certificates (1)
  • Graduation and Migration certificate
  • Original marks sheet and one photocopy of each
  • Character certificate
  • Caste Certificate (If applicable)
  • PWD certificate (If applicable)

DU LLB, LLM Admission 2020: Important Dates

Event Date
Admission on first merit list 1-3 December 2020
Payment deadline on first merit list 6 December 2020
Admission on second merit list 8-10 December 2020
Payment deadline on second merit list 13 December 2020
Admission on third merit list 15-17 December 2020
Payment deadline on third merit list 20 December 2020

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