COVID-19 India: Azim Premji University Initiates I-CARD, Tracks Ground-Level Realities

Azim Premji University (APU) has developed India- Coronavirus Assessment and Response Dashboard (I-CARD). This initiative drives in critical data to analyse livelihood factors for the most vulnerable class of people.

The team behind this groundbreaking project includes students, alumni and teachers from Oxford University, IIM-Ahmedabad, APU, Jadavpur University (JU), and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, migration pattern, accessibility to food and water, cash-credit and healthcare are essential data points influencing livelihood. 

How the I-CARD Project Works

The dashboard by Azim Premji University (APU), creates a common platform to gather block-level data from seven states: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand.

As stated by an I-CARD volunteer, Ankit Saraf, the team is focused on understanding ground reality at each block. This will help stakeholders to devise response strategy accordingly.

However, data collection is restricted to district level which showcases high and wide variations. The team is working on collecting granular databases at frequent intervals. 

Patterns Observed

The initiative led to collecting valuable data which revealed emerging trends. A recent report from the dashboard reads, Chhattisgarh shows higher rate of uneven access to healthcare for non-COVID cases, which requires immediate attention. 

This report in a truer sense forecasts worrying levels of social discrimination as observed across the states and require an immediate response. The dashboard highlights states which require immediate attention.

User-Friendly Dashboard Features

For a targeted approach, data has been arranged domain-wise in the dashboard. So users can select options like states, districts or block and set parameters for each.

Saraf states, if in case NGOs work on food-related parameters, this dashboard can be used to select geographical areas and filter food issue like accessibility, to craft response strategy.

Users can also perform comparative studies within states or at an inter-state level and generate need-based analysis as per requirements of response teams.
