COVID-19 Impact: IITs Ditch Final-Sem Exams, Online Open Book Exams at DU

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the impact is deep on academics as institutes have either scrapped exams or planned to hold online exams. 

Premier institutes like IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, including others like Hyderabad Central University will evaluate students based on continuous assessments and performance at mid-semester exams. 

IIT Bombay was the first of the IITs to discard end-sem exams and offer grades based on mid-semester exam performance.

IIT Kanpur’s unique grading scheme has A, B, C and S grades given based on performance in quizzes, projects, assignments and online exams. Thus no student will be terminated or failed. 

On the other hand, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi University, IIT Delhi, and Aligarh Muslim University will conduct open book tests, online assignment or conduct exams on reopening.

JNU has asked each of its centres to decide whether to hold online or offline exams. 

IIT Delhi has provided two options, one to graduate in June by appearing in online tests and assignments and viva voce over a phone call. The second option is to take exams when the university reopens, which might take much longer. 

As coronavirus cases go up by leaps and bounds in the country, the uncertainty in reopening academic institutions is clouding. 

However, to prevent graduating students from suffering, many institutes have given up final exams, ensuring placement offers remain intact.
