CGBSE 12th Supplementary Result 2020 (Released); Check Result Here

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has declared the results for Class 12 Supplementary exams today i.e. December 31 on its official website Students can check their results using their roll number.

CGBSE conducted its supplementary exam in the month of November for those students who had failed in two or less subjects. The second chance was given to improve their marks for the 12th boards examination. 

The board has also released the results for Vocational Stream students over the website. Students can check their results by visiting the official website. Around 2,77,563 students appeared for CGBSE 2020 exams and only 70.69% of the students were able to clear them.

CGBSE 12th Supplementary Result 2020: How to Check Results?

Students can follow the below steps to check the results online:

Step 1: Visit official website:

Step 2: Click on the notice bar in the homepage 

Step 3: Search for the CBSE 12th Supplementary Result 2020/ Vocational results and click on it

Step 4: The page will open in new browser, enter your roll number and Captcha displayed on screen

Step 5: The result will open in the PDF, download the document for further use.

CGBSE Result 2020 Direct Link:

Earlier, CGBSE held supplementary exams for 12th class on November 28, 2020, as per the official notification. More than 87,000 students including class 10th took the supplementary exam.

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