Central Board Senior Secondary Examinations (CBSE) has decided to postpone the practical exams for Covid Positive students. The practical exams for such students will be rescheduled in the month of April or after the completion of Board exams.
CBSE has released a circular for City schools to postpone the lab examinations for the Covid-Positive students. As the Covid-positive cases are recurring in an increasing manner, the schools and the students were tensed about appearing for the CBSE board exams 2021.
The practical exam, internal assessments and pre board commenced from March 1, 2021. Increasing numbers of students have been reported positive during this time. To resolve this situation the board has decided to postpone the exams for such students.
The circular stated that, students with Covid-19 symptoms need not worry about their exams, as they will be rescheduled in the month of April or even after the completion of the written exams i.e. May 2021.
Two students at Lakshmipat Singhania Academy in Kolkata have tested positive and were not able to attend the practicals. There are some cases where students’ families have been tested positive as well and could not show up for the examinations.
However, the board’s decision has given some relief to the students.CBSE Class 12 Exam Dates and the CBSE Class 10 Date Sheet were revised to give ample time to students for preparation.
Further, Principal of other city schools in Kolkata like Birla High School and Indus Valley World School informed that they had asked teachers to counsel all Board students not to be afraid of disclosing their Covid reports because the exams can be rescheduled now.