CBSE launches "Dost For Life" App for Psychological Wellbeing of Students from Classes 9 to 12: Download Here

CBSE launched a 'Dost For Life' application on 7 May, which is now available at the Google Play Store, to help the psycho-social wellness of students of the class 9-12.
CBSE, which used current telephone call counselling practises with the use of country-wide toll-free numbers, has now abandoned it. The Board has designed the facility for easy access and convenience to parents and children in the safe home environment when it is moving to telephone applications.

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CBSE ‘Dost For Life’: How to get the App?

You can download 'Dost For Life' for Android devices. The app is on the Google Play Store. This app is designed to cater not just to the Indian subcontinent for students of CBSE-affiliated schools around the world. The board has made sure the app is soon available to other phone users such as iPhone.

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CBSE ‘Dost For Life’: What is the Live Counselling feature of the App?

The app would have functionalities like Live advice, chatbox etc. Three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – would be held in Live counselling sessions Of the 83 volunteers, sixty-six are from India. The remaining countries are Saudi, UAE, Nepal, Oman, Kuwait, Japan and the USA. They come from the United States.

The app is launched to help students in their various stages of development to psychosocial well-being. And so live advice is free of charge and is provided by trained consultants/leaders. Students and parents may select any of the two slots – between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 pm and between 13:30 pm and 5:30 a.m.

CBSE has also created a handbook to discuss the interplay of the psychosocial well-being of students during different stages of development in the school, family and community. It can be downloaded from CBSE's official website.

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