CBSE Class 12 Result 2021 has been declared for ‘Result Later’ category students at the official website. Earlier, CBSE Class 12 Results were declared on July 30, 2021, with a 99.37 pass percentage.
As per sources, CBSE Class 12 Board Result 2021 for 65,000+ students were placed in the result later (RL) category. Those candidates can check their results from the official CBSE website, now.
After the result declaration on July 30, over 65,180 students did not get their results due to the results being still under process. Earlier, CBSE had stated that the results of these students will be declared by August 5, 2021, however, the results have been declared on an early date.
CBSE Class 12 Result 2021: How to Check Online?

Step 1: Visit the official CBSE website
Step 2: Tap on the result tab available on the website homepage
Step 3: Log in using the required credentials
Step 4: Results will appear on the screen, download them for future references.
Direct Link: CBSE Class 12 Result 2021 for RL Category |
Additional Websites to Check CBSE Class 12 Result 2021 for ‘RL’ Category
Listed below are the additional official portals to check CBSE Class 12 Result 2021 for RL Category:
As per the latest updates, CBSE has recorded a much higher pass percentage from previous years as it stood at 99.37 %. This year girls have outperformed boys, by recording a 99.67% pass percentage while the pass percentage for boys stood at 99.13%.
Moreover, CBSE has also announced the Improvement Exam Schedule for the students who are not satisfied with their CBSE Class 12 results. This exam will be conducted in physical mode from August 16 to September 15. The students who are placed in the compartment category will also appear in these examinations.
CBSE Class 12 result 2021 has been declared on the basis of the alternative marking scheme made due to the cancellation of CBSE Class XII board exams 2021. As per the evaluation criteria, 40:30:30 formula has been used for result preparation in which students will be assessed on their class 12, class 11 and class 10 marks.