CAT 2020 Exam Recorded 83.5 per cent Attendance amidst COVID 19, Check Exam Analysis, Major Changes

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore successfully conducted the CAT 2020 exam on November 29. Following the conduct of the examination, official reports highlighted that about 83.5% of the candidates appeared for the CAT 2020 examination.

CAT 2020 was conducted in 159 test cities in three slots (Forenoon, Afternoon, Evening) on November 29. A total of 2,27,835 people applied for the CAT exam this year.

Read: CAT 2020 Live Updates: Check Slot-Wise Paper Analysis, Question Papers, Topic Wise Weightage, Good Attempts Here

CAT 2020: Exam Analysis

Section Number of Questions Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 26 Easy to Moderate
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) 24 Moderate to Difficult
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 26 Moderate to Difficult
Total 76 Moderate to Difficult

Check: Top Colleges Participating in CAT 2020

CAT 2020: Major Changes in the Question Paper

  • The pattern of the CAT 2020 in view of the COVID-19 scenario had some changes. The duration of CAT 2020 has been reduced from three to two hours.
  • Each section of the CAT was reduced from 60 to 40 minutes in each section, with Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Aptitude (QA) - 40 minutes.
  • CAT 2020 had a total of 74 questions as compared to CAT 2019 which had a total of 100 questions. VARC section had 26 Questions, while DILR and QA section had 24 ques each this year.
  • Similar to last year, MCQs had a negative mark of - 1 for every wrong answer, while non-MCQs had no negative score on the CAT exam 2020.
  • Questions with negative marking (MCQs) are 70 to 75%

Earlier Candidates were afraid because IIM Indore had not disclosed the no of questions in the exam. However, after the exam, candidates expressed that they were not much surprised by the changed exam pattern and most of them find it easy to understand the questions in different categories.

Some candidates had informed that the difficulty level of the paper was equivalent to the previous year. One student named, Amir said that the VARC section alone was very difficult, the Quant section was a bit easier, and the DILR was very difficult to solve. HTML cheatsheet collects the most common tools for web editors on a single page. Bookmark it and use it every time you are composing HTML markup code.
