CA, CS, ICWA Qualifications to be Equivalent to PG Degree, Confirms UGC

University Grants Commission (UGC) has announced on March 15, 2021, that the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)’s awarded qualifications in company secretary will be equivalent to a postgraduate degree. The approval is aimed at increasing the mobility of Indian CA’s globally.

ICSI President, CS Nagendra D Rao asserted, the institute had made several requests to UGC to consider qualifications awarded by them, such as CA (Chartered Accountant), ICWA (Cost and Works Accountant), and CS (Company Secretary) as equivalent to postgraduate degrees.

On Monday (March 15, 2021), UGC confirmed that a committee was constituted to consider ICSI’s request. Subsequently, the committee announced its approval to recognize the CA, CS and ICWA courses as Post Graduate Degrees (PGD).

This improvisation will help students to pursue higher studies and increase their mobility globally. Students can get opportunities for pursuing PhD in Commerce and Allied Disciplines.

ICSI also released a notification stating that a full-fledged academic and research program is prepared that enhances the ability and forte of its members. Students will be encouraged to study research in crucial areas like corporate governance, company law, CSR, tax laws, finance, accounting, economic and other commercial laws etc. 

As per the latest updates, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced the exam dates for the CS June examination 2021 which will be held for foundation, executive and professional courses. Students can check the schedule for ICSI CS Exam Dates for June 2021 by visiting the official website.

Additionally, the ICSI has signed an MOU with Bharathiar University for academic collaborations. During the online Panel Discussion conducted on December 13, 2020, on the topic, ‘Strategic Plan for Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 in Universities and Professional Institutes’, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was inked. Read More

Check: ICSI Press Release
