Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Yuvraj Singh Dangi is the Principal of Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar. He holds the work experience in educational sector for more than a decade and has been connected to Sagar institute for 12 years now. He believes that education is a noble profession that can turn the Country towards great development and growth.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The dedication to the profession of Pharmacy, Healthcare sector and mankind”

The service provided by the pharmacist to the citizens is some key factors that keep me connected with the education sector. The importance health care centers acquire towards each individual of the Nation and the ability to continuously contribute towards the betterment of the society keeps me associated with the educational sector.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Decision making with team involvement and participative discussions over every topic”

My philosophy is to let people work freely once the target has been set and let them come with the difficulties or shortcoming which will be addressed as teamwork. Democratic leadership to gain various innovative ideas for improving the institute in every sector is my working style with managing leadership for all.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Innovative strategies implemented by the students and faculties to create awareness among the crowd”

Although the institute is established in 2004, I don’t think marketing is required further as we are successful in making our own identity as far as quality education is concerned, however, we do believe in giving short presentations in schools to guide the upcoming pharmacists. Now, the students and faculty together work to create a better marketing strategy for the institute through a digital platform of knowledge.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school?

“Medical research of the medicines of other countries to gain learning of the World”

The pharmacy profession in India covers all broader aspects of the healthcare sector which are well recognized all over. The students over here via practical and theory classes learn the basics of pharmacy from grass root level which can be justified through our placements worldwide.

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How does the curriculum of Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagarensure the best practice of industry?

“Research modulation and activity-based training for the students of the college”

The curriculum has been designed keeping in mind all the practical issues of manufacturing, research, and commercialization of new products derived from Ayurveda, allopathic, and homeopathy as well. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“To give the foremost opportunities to the students of the institute to furnish their capabilities”

My role is to keep the faculty and students updated with the surroundings and to take the institute to the level next through approvals such as the NBA. The responsibility extends to getting involved with each student to ensure their understanding of the curriculum.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Job orientation to the students after providing them quality education”

The top priority is to be amongst the top 10 Pharmaceutical institutes delivering quality job oriented education to all. Placements are the priority of the institute to work on in coming years to set up the prospect of the students studying in the college.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagarspecifically?

‘Rural background and lack of awareness in the people”

As the students in the Bundelkhand region mainly come from a rural background, the biggest challenge was to bring them to the mainstream of pharma education which is an English medium. The challenge to create awareness among people about the importance of education and pharmacy in the country for the growth of the individuals and the Nation.

What is your learning from the pandemic and how are you dealing with the situation?

“Online digital platform is the new normal to be associated with for being familiar with distant education”

We are focussed much now on taking online classes regularly and making a short presentation of practical classes as well. As far as teaching staff is concerned, maintaining social distancing and wearing mask and gloves are some practices we are following.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Dedication and commitment to your passion develop a path for the accomplishment in your life”

My suggestion to the youth is to set their goal or target first then to approach it steadily through dedication and commitment to the subject and to also focus on job-oriented study.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“Open communication and mutual respect among every member of the college”

We do have many activities such as pharmacy week celebrations, educational tours, National Service Scheme and other sports activities, a teacher guardian cell for interaction with students and parents, and various other committees for coordinating and addressing various issues.