Parvathy Gireesh is a PGDM student at MICA. She graduated from SRMIST with an 88.12% aggregate. Parvathy got admission to the institute on the basis of a CAT score, i.e, 88% and MICAT exam.
Parvathy Gireesh Profile
- Current institute: MICA
- Graduation College: SRMIST, Kattankulathur
- CAT Score: 94.05
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 10
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 93.6
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 88.12
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Parvathy Gireesh Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Parvathy Gireesh: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Parvathy Gireesh: “We had our GD Offline in Bangalore. It was more of a Group Evaluation where we (a group of 5) were asked to make a board game using the rules of snake and ladder, Chinese whispers, and antakshari. We were given 30min to design the game and demonstrate it too since we were given various craft items as well. There were 4 moderators.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Parvathy Gireesh: “to make a board game using the rules of snake and ladder, Chinese whispers and antakshari and show the values of ambition and empathy.”
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Parvathy Gireesh: “we had to discuss among ourselves and create a game which was a board game using chart paper sketch pens and etc. It was more of a creative process and the fact that you know how to play the game which was important in order to do well in the GE, instead of your knowledge, they were evaluating you on other factors like how you can work in a team and how compatible you are with others from different backgrounds.”
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Parvathy Gireesh: “We had three panel members and the interview went on for 30 minutes. when you prepare for a MICA interview, they would give you a form which you will have to fill (handwritten). So mainly they’ll be asking you about your interests and your disinterest and an essay on why you want to join MICA. Most of the time the interview will revolve around your form and not according to what one has studied in his or her undergrad. More than your knowledge they will be checking your core values and your instinct and if you can actually stick on to your words which actually helped me to crack my interview. it was a stress interview but it was more of testing the human being in you rather than how much you know.”
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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Parvathy Gireesh: "1. Do you think the celebration of international women’s day is a facade in India?
A: yes it is kind of a facade in India because when you pass on commands and you do not respect women on other days and just giving one day a particular one day to respect her just did not make sense to me and this was my reply.
- Tell me about yourself
A: spoke about my academic background and my accomplishments and the team that I worked on and continued to talk about my major project.
- What will I do if fair and lovely pays me more than I can imagine promoting their product?
- This was a tricky question because I had given that I do not like unethical advertisements in my form and therefore this question came up. my answer was something like “no I will not promote because it goes against my core values.” The interview was kept pushing me on this until I told them I will not change my opinion in a humble manner.
- Tell us how can we irritate you?
A: I spoke got mansplaining and how I get bothered by the fact that people tend to explain certain facts to me just because I am a woman.
- How do I understand the difference between mansplaining and actually helping me understand something?
A: I would first give my response to the situation and if my male colleagues do not approve of it I will ask him why do you not approve of it tell me the reason is that if I feel genuine enough and I will think through it a lot I will understand okay this is not mansplaining, this is them actually trying to help me and that is how I understand the difference.”
What was the reason for you not converting other colleges? (if any)
Parvathy Gireesh: "1. I’ve been wanting to do marketing ever since I knew I wanted to go for MBA and there was no better college than MICA which is known as the mecca of marketing.
- The MICAN culture. MICA Is known for its gender inclusivity and its outstanding male is to female ratio.
- Alumni and faculty network. Some of the best in their fields and moreover for the niche course in strategic marketing which is not available in the country.”
What was the reason for you not converting other colleges? (if any)
Parvathy Gireesh: “I had a call from SP Jain for marketing but I couldn’t convert this college because It was my first interview and therefore I was not prepared enough. I did not know how to speak well and that is why I couldn’t convert to this college. What I learned from this mistake is that you should actually prepare for your interviews and give it the same importance you would give for your entrance exams because interviews do have equal weightage and equal importance as your entrance exams.”
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