International Travel & Tourism Institute

Mr. Ajay Kurseja is the Director of International Travel & Tourism Institute. International Travel & Tourism Institute (ITTI) was founded in 1998 by Mr. Ajay Kurseja. It is the first IATA authorized training Centre in Gujarat. ITTI offers various travel courses that are designed by IATA (International Air Transport Association) and provide IATA certification which is recognized globally. In his interview he talks about the leadership qualities and why it is important to stay focused on a goal. He moves on to describe the education system in India which is far more superior than most other countries. It can be seen in the way the institute functions. They give hands on training to the students in all verticals for their holistic development. He believes there should always be absolute transfer and flow of knowledge, and no boundation should be put on those who seek knowledge. While coming to the end of the interview, the top priority is to train individuals to become industry ready professionals. On a concluding note he advises students to believe in yourself and follow your passion

It is important that a leader guides the team and makes sure that they are Focused towards the goal

A leader must bring out the best in his team. It is important that a leader guides the team and makes sure that they are focused towards the goal. He drives them, motivates them, supports and guides them towards achieving their desired dreams. He aims to lead each and every student of his to the path of success achieved through hard work, dedication and determination.

Our alumni are our flag bearers – their achievements and success stories have built us a name in the industry

We believe that word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Our alumni are our flag bearers – their achievements and success stories have built us a name in the industry. Students who pass from our institute recommend ITTI to near and dear ones due to the quality of education that we provide. Also, over the years, the media, particularly social media, has gained control of marketing,hence we have adapted to that as well. It is also a beneficial source for potential students since it has a much wider reach. 

The education system in India is superior and better structured than most foreign countries

The education system in India is superior and better structured than most foreign countries. At the institute, we teach this course 2 hours a day, 5 days a week- easy and comfortable for a studying or working inbound student. The course is online and we are flexible in our effort to help them. Since we try to adjust to their time zone, they also have the advantage of personal classes. An inbound student gets better training at a lesser cost and the course being global, benefits them tremendously in getting well-paying jobs in their own country. 

We give hands on training to the students in all verticals for their holistic development 

We are an IATA Authorized Training Centre and we follow the course curriculum designed by IATA. From explaining the role of a travel professional in the Industry to providing guidelines for designing tour packages, from elucidating borders of all the countries in the world to the process of issuing tickets to visit all these countries – each and every small and big aspect of the industry is dealt with in this course. This combined with my practical experience of over 30 years in this industry and 22 years of teaching adds to the knowledge and training they receive. 

Check International Travel & Tourism Institute Courses & Fees

We never put boundations on those who seek knowledge

Our Institute is open to all those who seek knowledge – age, race, caste, economic or financial background, or even geographical limitations, have never been a barrier for any student. We have had students from all strata of the society, and the training has benefitted them in their own individual ways. Very recently we have also introduced scholarships for 2 economically weaker students per batch to help deserving students achieve their goal. We have always been empathetic towards all of them, understood their issues and acted accordingly. 

There should always be absolute transfer and flow of knowledge

As the director of the Institute, I believe my major role has been to ensure it’s smooth functioning. Towards my students,an aspect I always Keep in Mind before beginning each session is that there should always be absolute transfer of knowledge. In order to facilitate this, it is equally important to create a comfortable, learning-conducive environment in which the students feel free to ask questions, share their doubts and experiences and interact with me without any restrictions. So far, the feedback that we have received has been indicative of the fact that we have been successful in achieving these goals.

Our top priority is to train individuals to become industry ready professionals

Training individuals to become industry-ready professionals – this has been and will always remain our top priority . We have successfully conducted virtual batches as well, with 100% results. This has opened a new realm of opportunities for us to reach out to potential students not just in India, but all over the world. We intend to focus on the growth and learning of each student alike, and we shall continue doing so for the years to come as well.

Our faculty brings in the pragmatic aspects along with the theory aspects of the course

One of the greatest strengths of our Institute is the experienced faculty, who bring in the pragmatic aspects along with the theory aspects of the course. The sharing of my practical, real-time industry experiences of the past 30 years has been interesting and informative for students and makes the class interactive and lively. Learning is a never-ending process; we follow the same principle and keep adapting to make ourselves more efficient. 

Besides at ITTI , we are blessed to have students from various different fields, age groups and backgrounds that add immensely to the learning process. Each student is an integral part of ITTI and receives genuine attention from the faculty, who care about the progress of every student.

We motivate rather than pressurize students to perform their very best on any given day

ITTI is a family where each person supports and helps the other grow. We motivate rather than pressurize students to perform their very best on any given day. Everyone is free to express and share their ideas and opinions which help the growth of all. We guide all students as per their interests and requirements. Hence, in the absence of stress and the fear of failure, there is scope for personal and professional growth in a happy and healthy environment.

Students today are confused and much in need of the right guidance

The problem of today is the problem of plenty. Students today are confused and much in need of the right guidance. Besides, there are too many distractions and too much parental and peer pressure to perform and achieve success that leads to social, emotional and psychological trauma.

Click here International Travel & Tourism Institute Placement

Believe in yourself and follow your passion

Believe in yourself and follow your passion. When you work at something with all your heart, it will never feel like work. Aspiring students should know that travel is here to stay. As the world moves away from materialistic living and focuses on stress busters to get away from the daily hectic mundane routine of life, it is travel that one looks forward to. And as they say ‘travel is food for the soul’ and we all know that the soul will always be eternal. The future belongs to the travel industry.