Interview by Arjun Verma
Dr. Rajni Rathi is currently working as the Director at Tatyam School of Design, New Delhi.

Dr. Rathi’s experience in the education industry
Education remains a process that ensures the development of a student’s maximum potential. Our Objective is to equip our students with life-skills to confront the real world - be it planning, organizing, deciding, Questioning, reasoning, analyzing, team-building and communicating effectively or dealing with Challenges confidently.
Visionary Leadership Style
It is very important for a leader to maintain an effective interpersonal relationship with People resulting in an ongoing and growing network. To maintain this rapport, I strive to be an Initiator, Innovator and Originator. I make a point to listen and encourage critical Thinking among my co-workers. I am also good decision Maker and inspire others for goal-oriented planning for future development of my company.
Kept on being different in approaches for our institutional growth remains a key challenge
In today’s world of challenges, we at Tatyam School of Design admittedly had a critical time and experienced our own share of challenges during the inception of this institution, however, these challenges have been stepping stones. Since there are so many established design institutions running similar programmes as ours, as a result, we had to be different in our approach towards infrastructure, fees, course content, available facilities and the kind of students we plan to take in. Our objective has been to provide a platform for students from the lower middle-income group also, as they do not find an opportunity for skill development programme like ours. As result, we have kept a competitive fee structure.
Another challenge which we faced is a recognition (from an authorized body) necessary for managing such programmes which we finally manage to persuade it from Arunachal University of Studies. We are ISO 2009-15 certified as well. We manage to get certain established people in the field of design to come on board on our advisory panel. Visibility of the institution is crucially important for which we organized fashion shows with the help our students and cooperative faculties.
Our Curriculum
At Tatyam School of Design, we teach our students to combine unique ideas and be creative with technical and psychological proficiency. We do not only teach theory subjects but also give exposure through workshops, Seminars for practical knowledge as well. The students are made to evolve their design skills and stay updated with the latest trends. Tatyam takes students for Factory Visits, Market Survey, Fashion Shows and Garment Fairs, Theater Make-up, Live Project & on the job Training, Personality Development & Grooming Workshop, Communication Skills etc. Internship and Placements are additional special features in our curriculum.
Growth of students through placement opportunities available at Tatyam school of Design
We at Tatyam School of Design include a holistic approach to education where we want Students to grow as individuals who are self-sufficient, self-motivated and equipped with Creative ability to be a future entrepreneur. These practices are inculcated in our students along with classroom, lectures, workshops, field & factory visits etc. Our association with industry will definitely support our students for placement.
Goals for Tatyam School of Design
We are challenging ourself and aiming to target admissions for at least a minimum of 100 students per year.
We aim to:
- To make our presence felt by achieving various milestones in delivering education to a diverse student population, possessing a common passion for design.
- To provide opportunities and suitable ambience to the students for better performance.
- To involve veterans from the industry to help achieve the aim.
Future of Interior Designers in India
Interior design in India has gone to another level altogether with plush Residences remain the order of the day not just in metros but also in more minor towns and cities. The concept of smart cities by Govt. of India has certainly offered a Boost to the interior designers.
Suggestion for current youth and the aspiring students
To succeed in the fast-paced Interior and Fashion Design Industry, It’s essential not Only to be creative, artistic, and imaginative but also to be disciplined, organized and Business savvy. After all, Interior and Fashion Design are not just about achieving aesthetic sensibilities and vision; it is also about finding clients and satisfying their need for a functional Purpose/space; on budget and on time.