Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. V.V. Sastry is currently working as a Professor & Head of Disciplinary committee for Rachnoustav Academy, Hyderabad. He has done his Bachelors from Osmania University, Hyderabad; Masters in Economics from Osmania University, Hyderabad; B.Ed. in Social Science from Bharatiya Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh and Ph.D. in Economics. Dr. Sastry has participated and presented 15 papers at National Seminars and Conferences and 2 paper at International Conferences. He has earlier worked as a faculty member at St. Peters Junior College, Hyderabad; St. Francis Junior and Degree College, Hyderabad; Ministry of Education, Maldives; Mother Theresa P. G. College, Hyderabad; NMREC, Hyderabad, and CESS (Centre for Economic and Social Studies).
Dr. V.V. Sastry’s experience in the education industry
I have about 25 years of teaching & research experience put together. I have passion and love towards teaching that is why I took up teaching as a profession, as it gives me a lot of satisfaction. The most important aspect of teaching is that it is a noble profession and we get the opportunity to motivate and inspire students with our skills and experience.
Significant challenges faced by Dr. Sastry in his career
I worked in the Maldives for two years in a secondary school, where students are highly undisciplined. I had to adopt different strategies. This gave me the opportunity to enhance my energy levels.
Things which drove Dr. Sastry towards research
Passion and interest in teaching drove me to undertake research.
Goals for the upcoming years
I am planning to publish papers in reputed journals and undertake minor research projects with ICSSR.
Dr. Sastry on engaging students at Rachnoutsav Academy
I follow the practically oriented method of teaching where I take a day to day examples and contemporary case studies.
Dr. Sastry on building a positive school culture or climate
Positive school culture can be created by interacting with the students and staff in a friendly way and helping the people who are in need.
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Dr. Sastry on establishing a relationship with the students
I always undertake discussions with the students and try to give them the right motivation towards their goal.
The growth of students through different opportunities available at Rachnoutsav Academy
The Opportunities that Rachnoutsav Academy provides to students are incredible. Rachnoutsav has been doing a great job of providing a platform for students to explore their talents. At Rachnoutsav, students get the right guidance to pursue what they want in life.
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Dr. Sastry’s philosophy of leadership
I believe in Practice before Preaching, having self -discipline is the key to success
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
Dedication and commitment with sincere hard work will definitely help you succeed.