Krishna Engineering College (KEC), Bhilai was established in 2011 has been emerging as an Institute of excellence in science and technology education and research. It is affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) and offers UG program in B.Tech. KEC Bhilai aim is to provide meaningful education, research and training to match global standards. Read below to know more about the latest happenings of KEC Bhilai:
International Women's Day Marked at KEC and KISC

Date: March 22, 2022
Krishna Engineering College and Krishna Institute of Science and Commerce jointly felicitated the women teaching and non-teaching staff members of the institution to mark International Women's Day. The UN given theme for this year's International Women's Day was “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” which aims to recognize women who are working to build a more sustainable future in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk. The International Women's Day website diverted from the UN given theme and announced: “Break The Bias” as this year's concept. The day is dedicated to honouring the achievements of women across different fields and to pushing for gender equality in the workplace and in all spheres of life. The event, which has its roots in the early 1900s socialist feminist movements, is now recognized and celebrated across different parts of the world.
An organization's character is ascertained by the manner in which it treats its female contributors. To drive forth this thought, all members of the institute gathered to acknowledge and applaud the work that the women members have undertaken to enable KEC and KISC in becoming institutes that groom industry-ready engineers and competent graduates.
Shri Anand Kumar Tripathi, Chairman, KEC and KISC, was of the opinion that it is women who spearhead a challenging task. He said we must celebrate each woman who is the hero of her own story. Shri Vijay Mairal, Managing Director, KEC and KISC, pointed out that gender bias and misogynistic attitudes are demons that need to be fought on an everyday basis to provide equal opportunity to one-half of the global population. Dr. Y.R. Katre, Director, KISC, cited instances where women have surmounted immense hurdles to break barriers and achieve what was thought to be impossible for womenkind. Dr. Ajay Tiwari, Principal, KEC, said that despite all odds, women have managed to break many stereotypes and make a place for themselves in the male-dominated society. The teaching profession is witness to the progress that education can enable. However, he added, we still have a long way to go to bridge the gap between the genders. Prof. Ravindra Sharma, Dean (Academics), KEC, was of the opinion that a healthy and gender-neutral environment is needed to promote more participation of women in the making of this Nation. Views were expressed by many presents and the consensus was that there is a growing awareness to fix the lopsided balance in society vis-a-vis women, yet much needs to be done to accelerate gender parity and recognize the contributions of women to the GDP and to society at large. Without gender equality today, a sustainable future, and an equal future shall remain beyond our reach.
Certificates of appreciation were presented to Dr. Sudeshna Sengupta, Prof. Khemlata Sahu, Prof. Kritika Sahu, Prof. Jyoti Gautam, Prof. Shriya Yadu Yadav, Prof. Monika Joshi, Mrs. Pavani Mohan, Mrs. Bharti Tahilramani, Mrs, Sindhu Nair, Mrs. Kiran Tripathi, Ms. Sneha Soni, and Ms. Chanchal Soni and for their relentless contribution in making KEC and KISC institutes that can be trusted to pursue one's career.
National Science Day Celebrated at KEC and KISC

Date: March 22, 2022
Krishna Engineering College and Krishna Institute of Science and Commerce marked National Science Day by recalling the contributions made by Science and Scientists in improving life as we know it. Science and Technology have been the major driving force behind all the development the world has seen this far. This year's theme for National Science Day is ‘Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for Sustainable Future’. The pandemic brought to the fore the immediate pressing need to shift to a lifestyle that supports more sustainable living and one that brings about a harmonious co-existence amongst the living beings.
A slogan writing competition was held to mark the day. The theme was 'Science in my Life'. Speaking on the occasion were students who recalled the path-breaking discovery that Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman made in the year 1928. The Raman Effect or Raman Scattering got Sir C. V. Raman the Noble Prize in Physics in 1930. To celebrate this victory, in 1986, the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) asked the Central Government to mark February 28 as the National Science Day (NSD). Since then, National Science Day is celebrated on February 28.
Shri Anand Kumar Tripathi, Chairman, KEC and KISC, said Science is the reason India is considered a technology superpower as the scientific mind of Indians remains unparalleled in the world. Shri Vijay Mairal, Managing Director, KEC and KISC, spoke about keeping the inner child in us alive; the child who is full of wonder and questions. He added that the spirit of inquisitiveness must be the beacon for one and all, be it a teacher or taught. Shri Y. R. Katre, Director, KISC, threw light on the many facets of Science that have benefitted Mankind and the spirit of scientific temper which propels the relentless work scientists put in. Dr. Ajay Tiwari, Principal, KEC, spoke about the way Science lead the way in saving lives during the Covid-19 pandemic with scientists providing us with life-saving vaccines. Prof. Ravindra Sharma, Dean Academics, KEC, threw light on the many jobs avenues that Science opens up for students as a satisfying and fulfilling career option. Each day fresh avenues open for industry-ready students and they must be trained for this. Prof. Mukesh Tamboli, HOD, Department of Physics, conducted the program in the presence of the teaching and non-teaching staff members and students of KEC and KISC. All Covid-19 related protocols were followed during the program.