Interview by Yash Panchal

Mr. Nishant Bansal is currently the Vice Chairman at GGI Panipat. In an exclusive interview with, he shares his views on the education industry and talks about the institutions.
Education industry experience of Mr. Bansal
My personal experience of being associated with the education industry has been outstanding. I have been associated with this industry for over 15 years now. Like any other profession, these 15 years have had its ups and downs but in it has given me immense pleasure and a great sense of satisfaction to impart knowledge to young adults who are preparing to step out in the world. Another reason I chose this profession and enjoy it is that it gives you an opportunity to always keep learning and growing along with the students.
Mr. Bansal’s philosophy of leadership
Good leadership is not about leading the pack but instead walking along with them
At Geeta Law Institute, I don’t necessarily tell students, staff, or the faculty what to do or how to deal with a problem. Instead, we find solutions together. This way everyone feels involved in decision making and it helps them in developing a sense of belongingness, which in result motivates them to contribute to the all-round development of the institution. That to me is good leadership.
Challenges for Mr. Bansal
There are several challenges one faces in their life, in both personal and professional front. Life in the education industry is no different, as it comes with its own set of challenges. I mostly face in this field of work is keeping the young faculty motivated to teach well. They may know their subject extremely well but there is a difference between knowing something and being able to explain the same thing to a group of students. There are many other challenges such as keeping a check of plagiarism in all forms of writings by students, keeping the students motivated to do better, to read and research, trying to maintain discipline, impart moral and ethical values in them as they are our future.
Mr. Bansal’s on his time management
Time management is the core of any job. You may be the most qualified person for the job but if you are not managing your time and finishing the tasks on time then that is a problem. There are a lot of tasks at hand and priority is completing them fast and competently, for which it is important to know what to do yourself and what to delegate
Delegation is an important aspect of time management
Curriculum of GGI
As you are aware, our college is affiliated with Kurukshetra University and I am proud to say that the industry experts check all the professional courses offered by the university. The university always makes sure to keep up with the changing trends and updates the curriculum accordingly.
Placement opportunities at Geeta Institute of Law
At our college, we take placements very seriously and this is the reason we take an integrated approach towards it. We help build our students resume and their knowledge not just through academics but through seminars, conferences, moot courts, etc. We make sure that the students have had both academic and practical knowledge before they step out. During placement season, we also make sure to groom our students for interviews as well. At Geeta Law Institute, we also provide classes for judicial services exam for students who opt to chose that particular career path. The main aim of doing all of the above is to make sure our students have employment as soon as they are done with the professional course. After this is one of the reasons that students these days opt for a professional course after class 12 instead of doing regular bachelors.
Read more about GGI Placements
Healthy relation with the students
One thing I feel is very important in being a good teacher is that students should not hesitate in coming and talking to you. It may not be necessarily about academics. This is the reason I have an open door policy.
I encourage students to walk into my office and talk about anything
They can ask questions, give feedback, report problems or share ideas. I also make sure that I am present at various activities taking place on campus. This again gives me an opportunity to interact with students.
Ideal college environment
To maintain a good, nurturing college environment along with highly qualified teaching staff, an institution should have a highly skilled support staff as well as it’s everyone who contributes towards developing a healthy learning environment and to inculcate ethical and moral values among students. I would like to build a culture in college, where students are constantly hungry for knowledge and are not studying just to take exams.
Future goals for GGI
Few goals that I have in mind for the college and would like to achieve soon are to be named among the top law colleges in India and to produce well-read, competent lawyers with high moral and ethical values. I would also like to build the college’s library and stock more books, journals and gain access to international online portals/journals for easy access for the students.
The only advice I have for the young people is that ‘invest in yourself’- get a good education, read-feed your brain, travel, explore, meet new people. In short, just broaden your horizon in possible as 10-20 years down the line only these things will matter and these are the experiences that will be with you forever.