Harshitha M graduated from Auxilium College for Women with a 71% aggregate. She got admission into the PGDM course at RSB, Chennai with a MAT score of 70 percentile.
Harshitha M Profile
- Current institute: Rajalakshmi School of Business
- Graduation College: Auxilium College for Women
- MAT score: 70 Percentile
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 93%
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 70%
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 71%
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Harshitha M Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Harshitha M: “General (No reservation).”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Harshitha M: “We had three rounds of interviews i.e., GD, WAT, and Personal Interview. The interview happened on campus. The group consisted of 9 members. The first round of WAT started. 5 topics were given and we were asked to choose any one among them. The topics were like online education benefits, One memorable day in life, Favorite cricket player, Social media boon or bane, Goal in life. A duration of 15 mins was given. Once after the completion of WAT, we were called for a group discussion. We had to discuss the topic, Actors entering politics. Two moderators were present. The GD went on very smoothly. Each and every person was given a chance to talk. One minute of preparation time was given before starting the discussion. It would be easier for students if they are updated on current issues and it was said that more points for students who initiate the discussion. So it would be a benefit for students who start the discussion.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Harshitha M: “WAT Topics- online education benefits, One memorable day in life, Favorite cricket player, Social media boon or bane, Goal in life.
GD Topic- Actors entering in politics."
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Harshitha M: “For WAT, I chose the topic "One memorable day in my life". I wrote about the most interesting day which happened in life and for GD, I stood on the positive side of the topic saying that actors already had a huge fan base so it would be much easier to influence people. I took the example of Ms. Jayalalitha and MGR who showed their excellence in media and politics as well.”
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Harshitha M: “The personal interview happened after the Group Discussion. There were two faculties in the panel. It went on very smoothly, The interviewers spoke very friendly. The duration of the interview was around 20 minutes. The questions were basically about subjects learnt in UG. Aspirants should not get excited or stressed during the interview. It would help if the interviewees concentrate and think before they start answering.”
Check RSB, Chennai Admission
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Harshitha M: “1. Tell me about yourself.
- What are your hobbies?
- Tell me about your learning in UG.
- Subject which brings more interest in you. I answered Marketing.
- Why do you have marketing as your favorite subject? Ans: I am capable of influencing people well so the subject of marketing gives me more ideas to improve my capability.
- Where do you see yourself after 5 years? Ans: I see myself being more talented in my career where I could manage a team to achieve goals."
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Harshitha M: “1. RSB had a good placement compared to other B schools in Chennai.
- The greatest strength is that RSB has a wonderful set of Faculties.
- The dual degree course offered adds benefit."