Any visitor to the Global Institute of Business Studies in Bannerghatta, Bangalore, would first see the infrastructure like the buildings and playgrounds beside the gardens and greenery. Delving further, the boys and girls busy with studies or activities would come to light. Trying to probe further, it is a world of students’ dreams and aspirations, business management being the top sector that attracts the talent universally. For some decades now, it has been thought that an MBA from a reputed institution is all you need for resounding professional success. And so, it is at GIBS that has several academic programs besides the high in demand MBA. The other courses being PGDM, corporate BBA, and B.Com.  MBA and PGDM are offered with dual specializations. One way or the other, it is a similar business knowledge that is gathered at the differing levels.

Though a Bachelor and a Master degree may hold a great difference, many have succeeded spectacularly with a Bachelor degree alone. On the job, the experience is perhaps greater than academic degrees and real job experiences with reputed companies would help pull up the socks and learn the trade faster than study in classrooms. Professional courses have a great advantage of internships and perhaps placements with some of the best companies and Bangalore is lucky to have many such international companies. The best colleges maintain a steady connection with the industry so that the curriculum and training are quite specific in catering to the present day needs of the industry. A network of connections ensures that internships and placements would be spectacularly successful.

May be, it sometimes appears that the process happens automatically but that is far from the truth. It does sometimes appear that students lead charmed lives with everything done for them by the faculty and the staff. It is true that the education system in India is much maligned with degrees being bought and sold freely. Attendance figures are cooked up and questions papers, assignment, and projects may all be leaked, copied and pirated for a small fee. Several institutions and even colleges and universities work illegally, hold out many rosy promises at the time of admission that is not honored. Colleges would advertise facilities they do not really possess and charge exorbitant fees.

The employment question

If the final test of education is employability, the educational system that prevails in India is far from successful with perhaps 70% of management students failing to get good enough jobs. In the hurry, hustle, and bustle of tensions of acquiring degrees, many innocents fall prey to unscrupulous colleges and remain content with mediocre jobs if they are lucky to get one. Internships and placements may not really materialize as promised or a few lucky ones may succeed, those with the drive and caliber. It is in a sense the test of the survival of the fittest in the urban jungle!

Perhaps a few awards and recognitions speak for themselves:

  • College Search in 2017 awarded GIBS the ‘Best College in Industry Exposure’ and ‘Startup Incubator.’
  • GIBS is the first Indian institution to be associated with World Merit.
  • in 2016 declared GIBS the 8th best B-school in India.
  • Higher education review 2016 ranked GIBS 3rd best B-school in India, 4th best in infrastructure and 8th best in industry exposure.
  • Indian Express group honored GIBS with the ‘Vishist Naagrik Sammaan’ award.

An educational campus that caters to a world of learning activities

Besides attending classes, seminars, and workshops, what else do the students keep themselves busy with? It is true that the dream world of college education leads to a lot of spoiled youth who issue free time in picnics and parties. Sports and Fitness would balance the mind. Gardening too provides physical fitness and creativity. Maintenance activities are crucial everywhere as is Finance and IT, Marketing and Human Resources. Classroom lessons find practical implementation in a wide range of activities. Cultural activities develop talents and skills along with Photography, Communication, Library, and Entrepreneurship. With so much to do, there is little time for the idleness of mind that leads to wayward things. Placements and Internships are high on the agenda too and concern student futures.

GIBS ventures

Besides GIBS, the organization has many branches working away behind the scenes to achieve philanthropic and altruistic goals. The GIBS SOCIAL FOUNDATION and GLOBAL BUSINESS FORUM are two of those arms. GIBS Academy and GIBS Sports Academy have their particular visions and missions.  PATHFINDER works through the three arms of VALUE CREATIONS, BUSINESS ACADEMY, and EDU SOLUTIONS.

Realize a vibrant future at GIBS

Unlike many moneymaking institutions, you are in safe hands when you join GIBS. Internships and placements ensure that students’ careers get a unique launch pad for successful futures.