RNBGU Monthly Newsletter: The RNB Times 15 January 2023
"No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.”-Lord Buddha
Date: January 25, 2023
2022 has been an unprecedented year and something that brought forward challenges for almost all of us. All we now need is some hope, positivity and cheer to have a fresher outlook and make newer beginnings in 2023.
RNBGU started new year with a Mock Parliament session which was presided over by none other than the Honrable Union Minister Of State For Parliamentary Affairs And Culture Shri Arjun Ram ji Meghwal.

The Bill on Uniform Civil Code was presented in this Mock Parliament.The role of various members of the ruling party and the opposition party was played by the students.On this occasion, the Honorable Union Minister discussed with the students about the history of the Uniform Civil Code Law, as well as underlined the efforts made by Dr. BR Ambedkar in this direction.
Here's our New Year round-up of what is happening inside our campus :
