Bhavik Kuchipudi is currently serving as the Director at Lingayas Vidyapeeth (Lingayas University), Faridabad. A visionary academician who has held key positions in different stages of the industry, he has supervised and assisted many renowned organizations and academic associations. Also, he has played a key role in implementing the vocational courses launched by UGC, projects by RHDS and New Education Policy to introduce a workable skill set to the students for their better prospects.

Lingayas Vidyapeeth (Lingayas University)

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Continued growth and learning experience”

Teaching young minds and helping them grow into successful individuals is one of the most rewarding aspects of being involved in the education sector. My involvement with the education sector has grown from strength to strength. Lifelong learning is integral in acquiring new knowledge and upgrading one’s skills, particularly in this age of rapid technological and economic fluctuation.

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Diverse sect of improvement and empowerment”

I lead by facilitating open communication. In Higher Education, leadership is having the courage to be a catalyst for change and promote innovation. It is such an important concept that it has been espoused as a central tenet of the mission of many colleges and universities, emphasized as an outcome that graduates can expect as a result of their college education. For me, leadership is the ability to effectively promote positive change in a working environment by motivating and valuing individuals. It is a process that involves influence and the ability to impact a team who share a common goal. I believe that leadership skills, such as communication, ability to delegate, confidence, and consistency, can be cultivated and improved over the years. Although there may be individuals who seem to be “natural” leaders, the most successful ones know how to capitalize on others strengths by assessing their talents. Leadership is about understanding individuals and finding the ones who will move the overall institution’s mission forward.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your university?

“Potential training, consulting and support services”

Our institutions offer academic education, career and technical instruction, and other

education and training to thousands of students each year. We at Lingaya’s have set our own benchmarks, and practice a variety of innovative teaching methods. We strive to improve education by collaborating with industry personnel for teaching and mentoring, hosting visits to the workplace, and providing job-shadowing and internship opportunities. Businesses also collaborate with educators to develop curricula that will provide students with the skills they need to cope with new technology in the workplace. Lingaya’s group caters to the needs of all the students coming into its ambit. While admitting students, we promote diversity while appreciating and acknowledging individuality. We have the privilege to celebrate multilingual, multicultural diversities and create vibrant campuses while creating bridges between different cultures.

How does the curriculum of your University ensure the best practice of industry?

“Defining workspace and academic integrations”

We believe in taking raw students and polishing them into finished products ready for the industry. The curriculum of our university is updated frequently to keep it up to date with the emerging trends in the market. Quality improvements also are being made to career opportunities and technical education for students devising appropriate curricula relevant to the local job market. A growing number of programs emphasizing general workplace skills, such as problem solving, teamwork, and customer service are incorporated as well. Our institutes offer programs which are developed jointly in consultation with industry experts.

Check Lingayas Vidyapeeth (Lingayas University) Courses & Fees

How in your opinion does the education system in India structured differently?

“A time-tested heritage of the teaching-learning system”

In India, the emphasis, since times immemorial, has been on holistic development of person leading to complete realisation and liberalisation of self. Education is the process by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased and intellect is sharpened, as a result of which one can stand on one’s own feet. India is a land of great diversity with intellectual wisdom, rich heritage, culture, multiple languages and dialects, various dance forms, folk arts, music, pottery, architecture, cuisines, textiles and much more. We need to preserve this rich heritage for posterity, while concentrating

on the development of contemporary times. We have to reimagine the Indian higher education from this perspective. We need to demonstrate the applicability of this indigenous heritage to the world. As per Indian Philosophy, the best education is that which emanates into a meaningful, happy, healthy and resonating existence for every entity of the universe. The ultimate aim of higher education is the development of universal beings having healthy interrelations, interdependence and integration with all.

How does your University prepare students for higher education?

“Intensifying innovative and blended learning approaches”

The aims of higher education can be realized only through the appropriate pedagogy and teaching-learning processes. The best teaching-learning processes are those that use participatory and personalised approach, along with collective wisdom through reflective dialogue. Integrating technology with face to face instruction can reinforce both an interactive as well as a communicative learning environment and provide meaningful learning outcomes. One of the innovative solutions for this issue is the introduction of blended learning mode, in which various types of delivery modes are combined. Blended learning provides learners with an opportunity to engage their teachers and peers in critical and creative reflection, and discourse the conventional ideals of higher education. It helps to revisit and regain the ideals of higher education with the adoption of approaches that value dialogue and debate. Blended learning is a coherent design approach that openly assesses and integrates the strengths of face to face and online learning to address worthwhile educational goals. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

“Keeping a pace with digital world and more innovative pedagogies”

21st century higher education is going through rapid socio-economic and technological changes. These changes have brought a clear call for higher education institutions to carefully examine their educational practices from a new perspective and face challenges that lie ahead in knowledge-based societies. These challenges include a large population of learners from varied backgrounds, needs, motivations, abilities, learning preferences, time availability and course content requirements, a demand for more learner responsive and flexible courses; and the drive to use ICT in teaching and learning.The widespread use of digital technology has changed the face of education; therefore, it is time that higher education complies with the growing expectations to help students survive effectively in such a technology-based world. There is also a need to shift progressively from teacher-designed and teacher-driven pedagogy to teacher-designed and learner-driven pedagogy, and ultimately to learner-designed and learner-driven pedagogy.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Set yourself short goals to accomplish a bigger one, wider skills are a must”

In a world of rapid change, young people need the right mix of skills to thrive. They need to develop a greater breadth of skills to evaluate and apply knowledge in ways that meet the new demands of our changing social and economic landscape. Skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking and flexibility have always been important for work and life. Another important suggestion is to set your goals. Setting priorities with shorter term goals can help you see what you need to do next. Working through goals can help you feel more in control and can reduce stress.

What plans are you currently designing for international affairs of your University?

“Novel activities to deliver positive learning outcomes”

Internationalisation carries institutions forward as they cope with multi-dimensional global forces and currents, move across borders, and gain global dimension. We are encouraged to deliver an immersive learning experience and student-centric education by combining traditional teaching-learning methods with the non-traditional ones. International tie-ups are pursued to align the vision and goals better with the industry, so that the students turn out to be thriving members of the global workforce and prove to be valuable human capital for the country. As territorial boundaries are relegated to the past, the need to create global citizens will only grow.

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How do you help students cope with the highly competitive world?

“Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration”

A 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new world, and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills. With so much information readily available to them, 21st century skills focus more on making sense of that information, sharing and using it in smart ways. Ideation of critical thinking and creativity are overlaid across all curriculum mapping and strategic planning. They are a vital part of every lesson in the same way as literacy. Creativity is about thinking through information in new ways, making new connections and coming up with innovative solutions to problems. Critical thinking is about analysing information and critiquing claims. Communication is understanding things well enough to share them clearly with other people. Collaboration is about teamwork and the collective genius of a group that is more than the sum of its parts. Entrepreneurship can be considered a skill of its own. Inquiry and problem solving are the key.