Dr. J.K Kittur is the Principal of KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka. Having a niche for education he explains how teaching has given him a gratifying experience in his life. Progressing eventually and now being the principal, he shares the ideology of leadership. It is the process of influencing a group of people with the help of authority. He believes that Leadership is all about carrying responsibility for achieving organizational goals and motivating the team to shoulder their own responsibility. Talking about his responsibilities, he explains that an effective leader should focus on building an ambient atmosphere where students can prosper. The learning environment in any educational institution affects student engagement and performance. Comparing the differences between foreign education systems to that of India, he says that the foreign education system focuses on getting a range of knowledge from a variety of subjects. Thus, to accomplish the same, the institute brings in Continuous adaptability towards technological changes, which is the requirement of the hour. Putting emphasis on the changing requirements across all domains he shares his valuable advice with the students. He mentions that students need to come out of the virtual world and be ready to face real-life challenges. Further students need to take part in nation building exercises and contribute their bit for this cause.
Teaching has given me a very gratifying experience in my life
I have been fortunate enough to work in various positions, both as a teacher and as an administrator in the education sector. In my career of three decades I involved myself into teaching as a teacher, served as a training & placement officer and Head of the Department and facilitated students in the field of research & Innovation as a Dean R & D.More than this, it is my passion towards teaching that led me to sustain in this sector and contribute towards growth and development of students.I loved to be around children while they were growing into citizens, and I felt very proud to contribute in their growth.
Right from the inception of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), the technological university of Karnataka state, I got an opportunity to work closely in framing syllabus and related academic activity as well as the various aspects of the examination process. The engineering education has seen a sea change in its scale and form. I could experience and be a part of this journey in terms of teaching pedagogy, quality assurance, teaching methods etc.
Leadership is the process of influencing a group of people with the help of authority
Leadership for me is not an imposition of authority on subordinates. Leadership for me is all about carrying responsibility for achieving organizational goals and motivating the team to shoulder their own responsibility. I always believe in teamwork and trust team members. I acknowledge the mistakes of my team members because I respect them. I believe in sharing the credit of success with my team members and owning the responsibility of failure.My philosophy has been to do and demonstrate and lead by example, avoid me first attitude and believe in myself and have belief in other’s capability and allow them to demonstrate and reward/appreciate loudly the good work.
An institution's alumni are the reflection of its past, representation of its present and a link to its future
We offer a thorough living and learning experience through spacious class rooms, scintillating air conditioned computer labs, latest pedagogy and learned staff. Well established labs with all modern equipment and experimental setups, industry driven labs/courses are an added feature of GIT’s quality education.
Our alumni are found in several blue chip organizations in India and abroad. Students picked, polished and placed by us are accepted hand in hand by leading organizations. Many reputed companies have been visiting the institution for Campus Recruitment. We have consistently outperformed the average market placements. No wonder we are ranked at number THREE by the corporate world.
We at KLS GIT have a practice of having industry and premier institute representatives as members of BoS and Academic Senate and we revise our courses and curriculum on a regular basis to suit the need of industry. These members happen to be the qualified and experienced professionals from both academics and industry. We value their feedback and try to incorporate their suggestions into our curriculum so that the students will be true industry ready.
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The foreign education system focuses getting a range of knowledge from variety of subjects
According to the world university rankings compiled by the Times Higher Education, more than half of the world’s top 200 universities are located in either the US or the UK. The universities located in US, UK or Canada share a rich tradition of quality higher education, excellent research facilities and a culture that promotes academic freedom. These universities emphasize on getting a range of knowledge from a variety of subjects. Further research and innovation are inherent in the curriculum of each course. As far as South Asian students are concerned, they gain advantages such as brand value and employment opportunities at an international level by studying in reputed universities located in US or UK. The students even get cultural proximity by studying abroad.
The learning environment in any educational institution affects student engagement and performance
The learning environment in any educational institution certainly affects student engagement and performance. Whether the class is in a small lecture hall, a large seminar, or a laboratory section, a learning environment where all feel safe, valued, and respected is necessary for students to achieve and demonstrate their full potential. Since a negative environment can be an obstacle to learning, it is essential to under-stand how to create and sustain a positive climate for all students. We at KLS GIT provide a common platform for all the students to demonstrate their skills and abilities.We also respect merit in GIT and offer scholarships and financial assistance to needy students. We conduct national and international level technical and management fests and they are exclusively organized by the students. GITains participate in the technical and management events organized by reputed universities across the globe. Various cells such as grievance redressal, anti-ragging, SC-ST are very much active and playing a dominant role in bringing all the students on an equal platform. We admit students from all strata of society through CET/COMEDK/JEE/AIEEE/NATA from all parts of the country and abroad.
Continuous adaptability towards technological changes is the requirement of the hour
As science and technology advance, the needs of employers change, and these changes continually reshape the job market for engineers. Being a head of the institution, I wish GIT to be one of the best destinations for engineering aspirants. In this direction, we are persistently making efforts to expose our students to the opportunities and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Virtual Reality (VR), Block-Chain Technology, Internet of Things (IoT) etc. I would like to see KLS GIT have a university status in the next ten years. This shall certainly help KLS GIT to reach newer heights in terms of academic excellence and contribute for nation building.
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GIT has carved a niche for itself through consistently good results and placements
KLS Gogte Institute of Technology is one of the premiere engineering institutes which has carved its own niche in Karnataka. The institute is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).GITis the first engineering college in Karnataka to receive NAAC accreditation at A+ Grade in the First Cycle. The institute is also figured in the Rank Band of 201 to 250 of NIRF Ranking in the Engineering Category by MHRD, Government of India. Well-qualified and experienced teaching faculty is the core strength of our institute. Open-arm mentoring of the learned faculty has fostered self-employment as an important goal amongst several GITians. GIT has carved a niche for itself through consistently good results and placements. Students picked, polished and placed by us are accepted hand in hand by leading organizations. Further ignition and fostering of entrepreneurial initiatives have led to the flourishment of several leading business managers of National and international repute. The entrepreneurship development Cell, Incubation Centre, Center for foreign /studies and vibrant Industry Institute Interaction Cell are giving students an opportunity to showcase their innovative skills. Our alumni are found in several blue chip organizations in India and abroad. No wonder we are ranked at number 03 by the corporate world.
It is high time to bring in quality faculty with exceptional skill-sets for the students to perform well
The State of Higher education in India is fast evolving with rapid changes in the development of technology, pedagogy and intensified online education. There are various challenges faced by higher education in India. The first challenge according to me is qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Teachers are not well trained and qualified for the job they are assigned to.Talent and merit is more important than identity. However, the quota system is still a challenge. Gap in Supply and Demand is yet another challenge before higher education in India. India needs to promote higher education to enhance gross enrolment ratio (GLR). Higher education lacks project based learning in India. Young graduates need to learn new skills especially vocational skills that can give them a job.So we are not focusing on project based learning. Just theory is not enough; our budding engineering students need practical knowledge too. Another important challenge for higher education is mushrooming of low quality institutes all over the country, which is not good for higher education. Such institutes are too much towards the glamorous world and less focused towards the quality of education.
Read more: KLS Gogte Institute of Technology Faculty
Students need to come out of the virtual world and be ready to face real-life challenges
We are currently in a very exciting and aggressive environment. Decisions that we had taken generations ago, youth cannot afford to make similar decisions today. To flourish in life, you have to ‘Think before Act’, which is the simple yet effective practice of thought that will help you evade making critical mistakes. Further I suggest you to ‘Be humble’. Being humble will allow you to be open to learning from elders and mentors. I also suggest the current youth and aspiring students to establish core values and follow them with utmost faith and trust. This may take some time to achieve desired goals but certainly gives kind of satisfaction in life. Students need to come out of the virtual world and be ready to face real-life challenges. Marks and degree certificates will merely play a role of passport to enter the corporate world. But more than that knowledge, attitude and skills will help to sustain in the corporate world. Further students need to take part in nation building exercises and contribute their bit for this cause.