Building a career in management is not as easy as it looks. As a matter of fact, the field demands a quick thinking and an insightful, creative mind at the same time. In other words, being a manager is a challenging task, with new problems and new solutions daily. It is said, that the manager never hears the cheers of the company, they hear the upsets and solve them. However, if you believe, you love to take challenges, and you get thrilled when solving problems then, you are born to be a manager.

In addition, here are few tips for you to make a meaningful career in management studies:

  1. Don’t just stick to management books: 

A good manager never settles when it comes to learning. To be a good manager, you must keep learning from almost everything that provides you with knowledge. So besides just sticking to your favorite management books, you must read books of other genres too. Do You Know? It is said that some of the most authentic management concepts are mentioned in Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata. Moreover, some remarkable tools to expand your perception are mentioned in Haruki Murakami’s “Kafka on the Shore” and Kurt Vonnegut’s “The Sirens of Titan.” Furthermore, a million more are waiting for you to discover them and learn.

  1. Case Studies: 

While you are studying management studies, the only thing that must replace ‘Candy Crush’ are the management case studies. Like it or not, but, the truth is the more you practice case studies, the better insight you get about management. Practice as many case studies you can, write the solutions of each case study and write about the possibilities of any alternate solutions.

  1. Discussion Forums:

 Join a management discussion forum at the institution. Discussion panels are required for training your mind towards brainstorming new ideas. Most people are not good when it comes to discussion, either they go out of the topic else they start a debate. However, being in a discussion panel which is comprised of other management students and management faculties, you get the opportunity to train your mind to focus and also practice fast and slow thinking. In addition, the forum discussions also improve your data processing skills.

  1. Build Network:

 Visit seminars, participate in corporate events or attend workshops. Present research papers and build a professional network of your own. Meet new corporate people and learn from them. Be active on LinkedIn and always be in touch with your professional networks. Remember, they can give you real-time insights about any management problems.

  1. Develop your Personality: 

This is the most dynamic field required for a meaningful career in management. Develop your personality as a whole. As a matter of fact, when you are a manager you need to have a remarkable persuasion skill to crack deals. Additionally, the charisma in your personality takes 30% of the credit for your success. Improve your confidence, emotional intelligence, gestures, postures, tone etc.

The better you develop your personality, the more important you become for the business.A meaningful career in management is possible when you get the right kind of management training. School of Business Studies, Sharda University, has developed over thousands of case studies to prepare managers. Besides this, there is a discussion forum at the incubation center which helps in planning start-ups and solves other business problems. If you wish to have a skyrocketing management career, get the right training for yourself.