Dr. Shruti Tiwari is the Principal of the School of Education at the Suresh Gyan Vihar University. Her major areas of study include chemistry, research methodology, Educational guidance counseling, and human resources. Confident educator having various expertise and vast experience in the field of teaching learning and educational administration and its management. She provides continuous capacity enhancement schemes for the faculty as well as the students, under her leadership.
How do you plan activities and programs to enhance the skills of the students?
“Developing in relation to the global scenario”
School of Education (SOE) is committed to improving the quality of teacher education in India and preparing competent future teachers and teacher educators. As a Principal, I always promote a learning environment for the holistic development of all students. There is a well-structured ICT enabled mechanism to plan and monitor all academic and non-academic activities. The courses offered by the School of Education aimed at helping the students to explore the most challenging, exciting and innovative aspects of teacher education, educational research, policy, and practice.
What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?
“To ensure the proper functioning of the institution”
I am responsible for providing vision, leadership, and direction to the staff and students. Looking after the effective implementation and management of the teaching-learning process and bringing out the best consequences as per the need of the education field is my prime focus and also a priority. I have to perform my duty as a teacher too. Lastly, I am involved in the day to day management, academic, and administration of the department as well as the university.
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What is your strategy to make your courses different from the courses of other institutions?
“Making industrial training a mandatory requirement”
The courses are comprehensive and continuous evaluation-based. The curriculum focuses on holistic development. The programs are exclusively intensive where all the UG and PG students pursuing B.Ed. and M.Ed. have to opt for complete and comprehensive one-semester field training in various schools and TEIs under the supervision of industry mentors and faculties. All interns have to undergo all aspects of teacher training exhaustively with experiential learning.
What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?
“Having an approach to develop all the necessary skills required for this field”
Development of all three domains i.e. cognitive, psychomotor, and affective are a must to inculcate the aspects of the development of any students. So, it is necessary to expose them to the activities which can open these domains too. Students have to complete the credits in internships and field attachments along with collegiate and community clubs. Undergoing training for the acquisition of employability skills and industrial mentoring, research and innovations, sports, arts, and moral values, get-techies with LMS and ICT, are a few of the many initiatives.
What is the future scope of this course from your institution?
“Become an expert educationist with maximum skills”
Every program under the umbrella of SOE is evergreen. Students can choose to become Principals, Vice Principals, head, and professors in schools, colleges and in universities. The other options include being a teacher, education consultant, entrepreneur, policymakers, curriculum developer, etc.
What is your approach to making a healthy environment for your students?
“Having an inclusive approach for our students on the campus”
GVSE in SGVU is running with a mission of preparing globally competent students with a strong value system. They are provided excellent exposure in the teacher training programs. So, the approach is innovative, progressive and student- centric. The personal tutor system is a unique and distinctive approach being followed in the department. We have a long tradition of welcoming students from diverse places and we make a special effort to make them feel at home.
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What are the major challenges that you have faced in the School of Education at SGVU?
“Nonchalant approach and attitude festering among the students”
To mention a few challenges, I’d say that the changing patterns of casual behavior of students have posed some serious challenges for the educationalist. Helping them to cope with a new learning atmosphere on the campus due to student’s diversity, SES, demography is also a task that needs to be carefully planned and implemented by the institutions. As a center of education, we need to raise the professional and social status of being a teacher in the minds of people.
What goals do you have for your department for the next 5 years?
“Increasing industry linkages and making the most of the resources available”
In the next 5 years, I’d like the institution to reach a level of excellence globally. Introducing new integrated courses, promoting interdisciplinary research and development, organizing international level programs, and lastly, the involvement of major community resources is on my priority list.
What suggestions would you like to give to the students pursuing higher education?
“Make positive use of the energy and time you are blessed with”
The students who entered higher education are young and most efficient persons with tremendous energy in the world. So, they should be more focused than any other else in the institution. Anagogical parameters indicate that they should be self- learner and self- motivated when they join their respective institutions. Vocational choices and their needs should be clearly addressed in the initial days of their graduation. Students must be multi-skilled, industry-ready and creative with developed scientific attitudes.