IIS (deemed to be University)

Prof. Nisha Yadav is a professor of Sociology and Controller of Examinations at IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur. Being in the academic sector, she aims at having an unending quest for knowledge. She wants to inculcate the same in her students. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“My passion for learning is the key driving force” 

A teacher is a learner throughout his life and education sector provides the opportunity to stay connected with the discipline. So, a sense of accomplishment through teaching played a role in my professional journey. The additional administrative assignments do throw a challenge at times but I ensure that I stay connected with students through classroom teaching and research supervision. 

What advice would you like to give to the students pursuing higher education?

“Desire to be a life-long learner should be a part of any agenda planned for achieving success”

The students should set their personal and academic goals and try their best to achieve them. The goals should resonate with their personality as well as their interest. They should set their priorities and organize themselves right from the beginning of their entry into higher education. Application-based learning is important to be successful hence the development of creative outlook is essential. 

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment at  IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur?

“A democratic approach does our work”

The University boasts of academic excellence which is achieved when the teaching faculty has a high degree of academic freedom. The fact that the staff members have the liberty to prepare and revise the curriculum as per the changing needs and the availability of both physical and e-resources to facilitate teaching-learning, bring in a high level of academic integrity. The vision of IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur is to make its students globally competent and to attain this purpose, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities have been made an integral part of learning which aims at overall personality development of students. It is desirable that in order to maintain and further improve the environment, all stakeholders carry-out self-assessment in order to determine their contribution to the growth and development of the university.

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What would you like people to know about your department they may not know?

“All courses have been designed to ensure an optimal blend of theoretical and practical approaches”

The department of Sociology offers a number of programmes like PhD and M.Phil., M.A. in Sociology, Master of Social Work (MSW), M.A. in Women’s Studies, B.A. in Sociology and Women Studies and Career Oriented and Skill Development Course in Research Methodology. The University has also established a Centre for Women’s Studies which undertakes various co-curricular and extracurricular activities from time to time. Various optional courses are offered at the postgraduate level to cater to the diverse interests of students like Social Marketing, Globalization and Society, Urban and Rural Sociology, Political Sociology, Rural Community Engagement, etc. Research is being carried out in areas related to women empowerment, social media, sustainable tourism, development schemes, to name a few. The curriculum is designed keeping in mind the need for competitive exams. 

How do you focus on practical learning for students along with theoretical knowledge?

“A perfect combination of both theoretical and practical knowledge is important for holistic learning”

The practical components train the students to develop skills in activities like community and rural engagement, community outreach, social work with children, elderly and women. To provide a hands-on experience in community engagement, one full paper titled, ‘Rural Community Engagement’ has been introduced at PG level in all programmes wherein students are taken to villages and are trained to prepare plans for seeking financial assistance under CSR, Village Development Plan, Disaster Management Plan, etc. The department also focuses on honing the research acumen of students by familiarizing them with the tools, techniques and methods of conducting research using both primary and secondary sources of data, right from the undergraduate level. The practical papers also help in improving the communication and discipline-specific writing skills of students. 

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make befitting for the students?

“Aims to empower the students in sync with the university’s vision of preparing ‘world ready’ women”

The curriculum has been designed as per the UGC guidelines and is credit-based. The curriculum is designed keeping in mind the need of the subject, interests of the learner (learner-centric) and real-life problems (problem-centred). The focus is on developing a holistic learning environment and in order to fulfil this aim, regular feedback is taken from industry experts, academicians, students, parents and alumni on the syllabus and other related aspects. The suggestions are put forth in the meeting(s) of the Board of Studies every year for approval. Minor changes are made every year to update the syllabus and the department undertakes major revisions every three years in order to upgrade the syllabus as per the needs of contemporary society and the education sector.

What suggestions would you like to give to the current students, who are pursuing Sociology courses?

“Focus on societal welfare with the knowledge you equip”

The students of sociology should keep the broader goals of societal welfare in mind apart from the employment opportunities offered by the subject. They should strive to understand the problems of society in a comprehensive manner so that they are able to offer solutions for resolving the same.

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How do you train yourself or the faculty to deliver this program to the students?

“Everyone is encouraged to make use of the resources available and update themselves”

The faculty members in the department prepare teaching plans at the beginning of each semester. All teaching-learning strategies and modes of assessment are included in the plan. Use of ICT and experiential learning are integrated into the delivery to make teaching more effective. Departmental seminars are scheduled where discussions on various sociological topics are done. A rich university library and other e-resources help in keeping the faculty abreast with the latest developments in the field of Sociology and keeps them updated through reference books and latest research articles.