In these testing times of the coronavirus pandemic, LPU has been closely monitoring the worldwide situation and adapting itself to the changing times. Keeping in mind the safety and security of the LPU family the University has taken many initiatives to ensure the smooth flow of education amidst the pandemic. Also, being one of the only three universities from India to be in the list of the world top 200 universities in Times Higher Education Impact ranking delivering the best to its students is assured by LPU management. Let us look at some of the ways LPU has updated itself to keep up with the COVID times.

Contact-free Online Admissions
The entire admission process of LPU has been moved online. Students can now complete all the stages of admission from application to appearing for tests interviews uploading documents through online mode. Students can also appear for LPUNEST eligibility exam and video interviews for admission from the safety of their home. Regardless of where the student is located, they can complete all the admission formalities by sitting at home.
Live Video Counselling (One to One Interaction)
University has introduced Zoom counselling calls that can be initiated by a click of a button from the website. Now students can interact with expert Admission Counsellors through live video counselling for career guidance to discover one's best-suited programme/ stream.
Better Scholarship Support
LPU has further expanded the scope of scholarship to render more support to deserving candidates. The scholarship will also be offered based on qualifications before eligibility qualification. For example, someone seeking admission in B.Tech can seek a scholarship based on 10 + 2 (Eligibility qualification) or 10th (Qualification previous to 10 + 2).
Flexible and Easy Payment options for Admissions
Students can now get provisional admission by paying a nominal fee of INR 20,000 in all programs (except PG Agriculture and PG Pharmacy). Earlier the balance payment period was 10 to 15 days after the allotment of the seat but now students can deposit the balance fees till 30th June 2021 in instalments. (except PG pharmacy PG agriculture).
Submission of Documents
Given the current scenario, 10+2 Exams are being postponed. Therefore, the eligibility qualification documents can be submitted whenever the result will be declared by the board or University from where the student is pursuing a previous qualification, maybe in August/September or even later. The University will consider it for admission verification; however, eligibility requirements will have to be fulfilled in all cases.
Proportionate Residential Charges
Due to online classes, all the students are currently at home and the University residences are not being used. The charges of residential facilities will be reduced proportionately and students will only be required to pay for the duration from the announced date of the start of physical classes till the end of the academic session.
Easy Refund Processing
In case a student applies for a refund LPU has extended its support to candidates by accepting refund applications through online mode if any candidate applies for the refund on or before 31st July 2021 then the amount deposited by the candidate for the program fee will be refunded after deduction of 1000 INR only separate refund dates will be applicable for PG agriculture PG pharmacy and PhD programs.
What is LPU’s plan for teaching till the offline classes do not start
In face of the challenges posed by the Covid 19 pandemic, LPU has responded to every situation in a proactive manner. The University was able to deliver on its critical commitments to facilitate effective learning for its students by training and advancing their knowledge by using technology. LPU was among the first few organizations in the country which were able to handle the transition from physical classes to online classes quickly and smoothly.
Partnered with top companies and platform to start online classes
LPU collaborated with some of the best tech companies and developed LPU My Class, an in house platform for online teaching and evaluation. This helped LPU to start with live online classes immediately after the announcement of lockdown in March 2020. Over the past year, the effectiveness of the online classes has already been tested wherein more than 1,00,000 hours of online sessions were conducted for LPU students across various academic programs. The University plans to continue with online classes until the government permits physical classes. Until then students can learn just as effectively from the safety of their home.
Students can still take advantage of LPU’s huge student support and activities:
LPU has always given a lot of focus to the holistic development of the students. Therefore, it has conducted more than 1000 cultural events, co-curricular activities, community projects, expert lectures, and conferences within the past year.
Placement at LPU is still fantastic during the COVID pandemic:
LPU has also witnessed one of the best placement sessions despite all the challenges posed by the pandemic by securing more than 7000 job offers, internships, training for its students. LPU looks forward to starting the session of Batch 2021 with stronger commitment and experience.
LPU is ensuring a very safe environment for its students and staff
Efforts are being made by the team to keep the campus safe for everyone. Temperature and other checks are being done at entry points of the University. All members of the faculty and staff are required to follow the Covid 19 related policies and requirements as stated by the state and central government. Apart from this regular cleaning and disinfecting of workspaces restrictive entry in the campus for outsiders 24/7 medical and health support through in house campus hospital and work from home options for members having any health concerns are being followed.
LPU is doing everything possible to keep things running smoothly. Soon enough, things will return to normal and we will all be back at our beloved LPU campus. Till then we must stay healthy and stay safe