Why Join Division Mathematics?
Mathematics at Chandigarh University is designed to deliver a solid foundation for adaptability to a range of career objectives. The Division Mathematics (UIS) has highly qualified faculties from reputed organizations who have diversified expertise in the fields of Fixed Point Theory, Operations Research, Reliability, Optimization, Solid Mechanics & Elasticity, Fractals, Numerical Analysis, and Computational Intelligence for Optimization. The Mathematics Division runs two three-year programs, B.Sc. Non-Medical, B.Sc. (Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics) and three two-year M.Sc. programs in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science with different specializations.
Our programs are academically rich and diversified, touching many interdisciplinary areas of the field. The Division Mathematics strives to be recognized for excellence among academic institutions in India and abroad. It offers B. Sc Non-Medical, B. Sc. (Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics), M. Sc. Mathematics, M. Sc. Data Science, M. Sc. Statistics, and Ph. D programs. Division Mathematics wishes to provide a comprehensive curriculum at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, relevant research, and career opportunities in India and abroad. B. Sc. (CSM) and M. Sc. Data Science maintain the balance between mathematics's theoretical and computational aspects. These programs are trendy among the aspirants. The B. Sc. CSM graduate students are in high demand in various public and private sectors, e.g., finance, analytics, consulting, cryptography-based security, and information technology.
Misson and Program Goals for the next Decade
By choosing us, you will be choosing a close student-faculty community as we work and learn together. Other key benefits of taking a mathematics degree from CU are:
Our programs impart scientific skills and the ability to understand broad applications of the subject. We put emphasis on pure & applied mathematics paired with computational applications, which helps students to understand the subject in-depth. Also, we have excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary research in collaboration with Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science & Management departments. This gives them a learning space in various other dimensions and implement what they have learnt.
We make sure that lecture delivery is supported by Advanced Teaching Aids like PPTs, Charts, Models, Animated Videos, through Blackboard ultra. Our faculties are trained individuals who help the students to learn and gain a better understanding of the subject. We carry out numerous activities & industrial visits are organized to nurture skills beyond the classroom. Additionally, we have dissertation & Mandatory Six Weeks Summer Training for industry familiarity.
How We Nourish Students' Knowledge?
We ensure students are abreast to current industry standards and we leave no stones unturned for them to enhance their level of learning.We keep a Job-oriented Flexible Learning Approach with Futuristic & Globally Compatible Academics, which includes core as well as advance practical based subjects. We provide NET Coaching for Master’s students from second Semester onwards. This helps them to simultaneously grow and prosper. We put emphasis on seminar/dissertation for students to promote research and teaching research temperament in students. Also, there are internships / field project opportunities for students (Six weeks Summer Training). Furthermore, we make sure students learn on the latest softwares and are provided with well-equipped laboratories.
Multiple Avenues for Research & Innovation
Exposure of National and International conferences/workshops/ symposium. Master’s students published more than 50+ (SCI/SCOPUS indexed journals) research publications under the Mathematics Division.
Patent Published by our Students
Air Driven Vehicle, Liquid Purifying Device, Ecow (env.+ COW) Friendly Fruit Packaging Box
We have well- established research Lab for students
Three Core research Group for Students
Current Research Scholar in Mathematics Division- 32
Students will get a chance to study in Punjab's first university to get NAAC A+ during the first cycle. We have a globally recognized curriculum compared with reputed national institutes with top NIRF rankings and globally recognized institutions with top QS Rankings and inclusion of industry-oriented subjects. Also, students get an exposure to the the new revolution in online learning through Massive Open Online Course (MOOCS), which are conducted for students are a part of every Undergraduate / Masters Curriculum. Additionally, we prepare students to face the industry challenges. Thus, the exposure to national and international conferences prepare our students for the prominent industries that visit out campus
International Exposure
International opportunity articulation program and collaborative research options, student exchange program with 275+ international universities in 65 countries.
International Standard and Research Oriented Course Curriculum with One Year Course work followed by choice of Industry Internship or Research Work.
Semester exchange opportunities for students in foreign universities.
Regular interactions with International Expert Faculties.
Options of Semester Exchange and Semester abroad.
International Internships
Thus, we make sure to provide an experiential learning with the focus on holistic development of the students.