Biological Sciences is the study of life. A Biological Sciences degree will allow you to explore areas of biochemistry, biomedicine, cell biology, conservation, ecology, genetics, microbiology and physiology. The pursuit of any scientific endeavour is noble, but the Biosciences are particularly noteworthy. There are obvious practical reasons that Biosciences are valuable. The study of the Biosciences lends important insights into disease processes, and allows the development of novel therapeutics and innovative medical devices, thereby directly improving human health. The Biosciences also enable an understanding of the environment and the other living species with whom we share the earth; this knowledge guides conservation efforts and helps us to save our shared planet.
Through Biosciences, we have learned that we are all part of the human family, sharing the same primary genetic material. Indeed, we are not just the stuff that dreams are made on; we are the stuff that DNA is made on. The Biosciences provide the most potent arguments we have, for the most critical issues of our society, issues such as social justice, environmental preservation, animal protection, world peace, and fundamental human rights.
Reasons to Choose Biosciences
Studying bioscience offers students more flexibility in their career paths. By not focusing on one specific discipline, bioscience majors can learn about all aspects of biology, like ecology, to cells, to marine life.
Do you like the idea of fieldwork, but also working in a lab? Well, by studying bioscience you can do both. Unlike specific biology disciplines, studying bioscience allows you to do both; one week you can put on a lab coat and look at cells in a microscope, and the following week put on your boots and explore nature.
If you’re interested in continuing your studies at the postgraduate level, then majoring in bioscience during your undergrad is the right choice. Since it is research-focused and flexible to adapt to many disciplines, continuing your studies to the postgraduate level is a natural transition.
Major Role in the Pandemic situations similar to COVID-19:
Biology students who are more interested in the medical or health side of the field could work as an epidemiologist and apply their knowledge of biology, statistics and causal analysis to their research projects. Their projects may be conducted in various areas, such as injury, chronic diseases, and infectious diseases, as they strive to learn about and understand the patterns and causes of these conditions. Epidemiologists present their results to the public and health officials, and the findings are often used to help shape public health programs to combat these conditions.There are several different careers available to those who graduate with a master's degree in biology that are based on their particular area of interest and specialization in the field. These jobs typically fall within the categories of environmental, laboratory and health-related careers.
Chandigarh University for Biosciences
The Biosciences empower us to answer fundamental questions about ourselves – Where did we come from? What are we made of? What is the basis for the miracle of our existence? What is our place in the natural world, in the tree of life? Walking in the Maine woods, Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Talk of mysteries! — Think of our life in nature,—daily to be shown matter, to come in contact with it, — rocks, trees, wind on our cheeks! the solid earth! The actual world! Who are we? Where are we?” Thoreau was a great naturalist, and he realized that the Biosciences reveal the truth of our existence; the Biosciences shine a light on our real identities so that we discover our actual reality.
UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES (UIS) at Chandigarh University offers specialized programs that are well suited for all the students who aspire to pursue their career in the field of Biosciences. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses:
MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ZOOLOGY (2-years program) with specializations in Organismic Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Applied Zoology and Biotechnology.
MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BOTANY (2-years program) with specializations in Applied Botany and Environmental and Microbial Botany
UIS is running all the courses very successfully. UIS is the best place for all these because of its landmark teaching style and hands-on learning. The characteristic feature that makes learning biosciences unique to UIS is its very specialized approach. Along with it, UIS has thrust on research with innovation and highly supporting teaching staff. Finding that UIS runs these unique programs, many of the region’s top companies have begun collaborations with it; as a result, it provides good placements to the students.
Reasons to go for Chandigarh University
CU has designed its curriculum that you will find yourself amidst a plethora of opportunities. From flexible choice based credit system (FCBCS) to project-based experiential learning, you will be encouraged to explore areas of intellectual challenges that will shape your future. The hands-on learning that our students are continuously exposed to is designed to groom future leaders, innovators and professionals who are not only academically qualified but also have a passion for their profession. The course curriculum is designed based on real-time inputs from industry experts, national and international academic leaders and to match the standards defined by national (NAAC & NBA) and international (ABET) accreditation bodies.