GD Goenka University took a bold initiative in organising a Summer School, from May 28 to June 7 2019, for students from various schools in Delhi NCR. The USP of the Summer School was a ‘University Certification’ to the participants at the conclusion of the course. The purpose was to expose students to the University and campus life, to enable them to explore their varied interests, but most of all, to help them refine their potential in their chosen fields of specialisation. This was to guide them further in career paths of their choice and facilitate informed decision making for the future.
The Summer School was conceptualised in a way that represented all the major disciplines being taught at the University. Course packs were thus drawn up by all the Schools, namely, Management, Communication, Humanities, Basic and Applied Sciences, Education, Hospitality, Engineering, Architecture, Fashion Design and Law. It also contained a description of the course being offered by the School and details of classes and activities that would be covered during the Summer School.

The students were accompanied by their parents and guardians and they were urged to mark the beginning of the event by lighting the lamp. This was followed by the inaugural address by Prof (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean, Students Welfare International Relations, who welcomed the students promising them a holistic experience of campus life, classroom instruction, outdoor visits, industrial tours and fun and games. Most of all, she said, the summer school would “guide students to career paths and help form friendships and lifelong memories.”
Prof Kaushik’s address was followed by a brief summary of course packs by the Faculty Advisors of the respective Schools. The crowd pullers were courses on ‘Careers in Management’, ‘Food and Beverage Service’, ‘Nanotechnology’, ‘Basic Architectural Design’, ‘Young Design Yatra’, ‘Adobe Photoshop’, ‘Basics of Photography’, ‘Android Application’, ‘Introduction to Python Programming’ and ‘Introduction to Legal System’. This was followed by the registration for minor courses and an ice breaking session.
Read about GD Goenka University
The sessions were planned for 11 days and following are the main attractions of the program:
- The Institute commenced with classes in management, law, python programming and architecture on the first day. The sessions were a blend of lectures, activities and application based learning.
- Sessions began full swing by day two, with young minds engaged in discerning marketing strategies, simulation games, an introduction to careers in marketing, architectural drawing, use of nano in technology, techniques in photography and photoshop, design and baking.
- The third day of the Summer School was reserved exclusively for industrial visits to the PepsiCo Factory at Nuh where they watched a short documentary on the RJ Group. They toured the manufacturing unit to see storage and package facilities of the aerated drinks.
- The Course offered by School of Design focused on photoshoot, designing bookmarks by laser cut, draping classes, creating space with 3D models and paper model making skills.
- The Schools of Engineering and Communication trained students in python programming, development of Android App, Calculator app, single point light exercise, lights in motion, freeze frame photography, photo editing and photoshop.
- Students who had opted for nanotechnology experimented with the synthesis of silver and nano particles, biomedical application of nano, evident nano hunt and lab use in technology.
- Students who had opted for Law worked innovatively on serious topics of Women’s Abuse and Trademarks in Intellectual Property Rights through candid poster presentations.
Apart from this, the students also visited Gurugram Police Station where they talked about the citizen awareness followed by a question and answer session. They were also taught about the basics of baking and presented mouth-watering cakes.

On the second last day, an aptitude test, the Holland Test was conducted, helping the students to gauge where their maximum potential lay. This was followed by a fun activity whereby students were asked to express their experience of the Summer School and their thoughts in general, along the lines of ‘who I was; who I am who I will be’.
In addition to the above, Special Sessions were held in the evenings to sensitize students on Bus safety and Traffic rules, Electrical and AC Plant, Medical Emergency and First Aid, Food Hygiene and on Fire and Safety. Outdoor visits were organized to Ambience Mall, Kingdom of Dreams and a trek to the Aravalis. The students had a DJ party on their last night at the University hostel.
On the last day the students were presented with trophies and certificates by Prof. (Dr.) Suku Bhaskaran, President and Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean Student Welfare and International Relations, GD Goenka University. A video on students’ testimonials was also screened. The Summer School, thus, had honored its mandate to offer a comprehensive and intellectually rewarding experience to its participants, marking the end of the two week journey the students had embarked on.