FIIB, a unique and responsible business school that is measuring its carbon footprint, conducted the 9th edition of Sustainability Summit on Thursday, February 21, 2019. The institute since its inception focused on delivering future-ready leaders who help businesses name their pain and cultivate potential solutions to accelerate the success rate. About 7 years ago, the B-School dove deep into their core values and questioned themselves “What it means to be a truly sustainable organization?”, and realized the utmost need for embracing sustainability as a key pillar of FIIBs culture and brand.
In the belief of a better, brighter, and sustainable tomorrow for every student, FIIB pledged to repurpose their terms and introduced their three-fold Campus Sustainability Goals: Meaningful Academic Activities, Environment-friendly Operations, and Purposeful Community. The theme of this year’s Sustainability Summit was “The Choice of Sustainability – Is it the Game of a few?”
The Founder of the institute, Late Mr. R K Shrivastava strongly believed in improving lives and transforming the career of passionate students through sustainable choices. Following his values and visions, FIIB further extends its continuous commitment to his dream - “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and the world better than you found it.”
In the wake of this commitment, FIIB (Fortune Institute Of International Business) on the occasion of its 25th birthday showcased their very first Annual Sustainability Report 2019, which tells the story of their programs, initiatives, and progress towards the three-fold Campus Sustainability Goals.
Below is the quick dashboard of the areas where we believe we are doing well.
While sharing the areas we conquered admirably, we also focus on those areas where we have room for improvement. At FIIB, we always thrive for better results and find immense pride in generating solutions that add sustainability to our students' growth and environment’s green future. During the release of Annual Sustainability Report 2019, Ms. Radhika Shrivastava, Executive Director, FIIB said that "Our work is not done, but as you can see we have certainly made some telling strides in the direction. Our success in this area depends in large part on cooperation and commitment from our staff –both Teaching and NonTeaching and to a large part on our students. I use this opportunity to remind all FIIB constituents of our pledge." To read more about FIIBs Annual Sustainability Report 2019, click here.
FIIB Sustainability Summit 2019 - Transforming MBA Students to Sustainable Future Leaders
FIIB celebrated its 9th Sustainability Summit on February 21, 2019. For the past 9 years, the institute is cherishing the Founder’s Day with a day-long Sustainability Summit, which aims to visualize a simple concept - The choice of sustainability is not a game for a few. During the Summit, Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha, Director, FIIB quoted that “At FIIB sustainability is not just a thought but a way of life which is practiced in varied capacities. Sustainability in FIIB is integrated into the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and even the teaching-learning process is based on a sustainable ecosystem.” The speakers from various organizations, both for-profit & not-for-profit, shared their views on sustainability and reflected how our day-to-day activities impact the economic, environmental, and social lives of many.
The key takeaways of our speakers from the Summit are:
- Ms. Aticka Chona (CEO, GreenKarma and Managing Director, Six Year Plan) talked on the topic of “Sustainable Disruptive Innovation”, and delivered the insights of the global market. She further said, "We not only limit ourselves to provide sustainable resources to our global brands but also work hard to make women able enough to get the requisite skill-sets.", says, while speaking about what her organization - GreenKarma.
- Mr. Jaideep Gokhale (Director of Communications, Region South & South East Asia, Tetrapak) delivered his views on the topic “ Journey of Tetra pak - How Tetra pak delivers Sustainability?” While asked about how his organization functions and build environmental-friendly packagings, he said that "We are helping our customers (B2B companies) to launch successful products that are sustainable for the business area as well as for our environment."
- Dr. Suneeta Singh (Founder, Amrit Foundation) believes that 'every smile is beautiful'. She addressed the summit speaking on the issue, "Environmental sustainability is not just about water, air or land, but our social relationship plays a vital role in it too."
- Ms. Manjali Hoon Khosla (Co-founder, Care for Air) talked about the choices we make in our daily lives and asked students to help others in every possible way. Because every individual can make a difference. Rishi Motwani, a student of FIIB, detailed his internship project "Care for Air" and talked about the change in his behavior, and how being sustainable in self is leaving a positive impact on his batchmates.
- Ms. Swaralipi Maity (DGM, Solar Division, Sukhbir Agro Energy Ltd.) addressed the FIIBs Sustainability Summit 2019 by shifting students focus on the Renewable Energy corporate sector. She further quoted that “Jobs at Renewable Energy sector stands second to none; it pays a hefty amount of salary, takes care of employee’s individuality, and will going to provide unlimited opportunities to leaders who want to impact lives.”
Focusing on its true personality - full of energy, determination, take up challenges, and can do attitude, FIIB released its Anthem -” what it means to be a true Racer?” on the occasion of its Birthday.