Akshit Aggarwal is currently a student at FORE School of Management. He graduated from Symbiosis College with 80 percent marks. After completing the UG course, Akshit went on for CAT entrance exam and scored 90 percentile. He is currently pursuing the PGDM at FORE School of Management. He shared his GD and PI details with collegedunia.com, keep reading for more. 

Akshit Aggarwal Profile

  • Current institute: FORE School of Management
  • Graduation College: Symbiosis College
  • CAT score: 90
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 8.1
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 86
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 66.66

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FORE School of Management Admission Experience

Did you avail the benefit of any reservation? 

Akshit Aggarwal : 

“ General (No reservation)” 

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Akshit Aggarwal : 

"There was no WAT or GD for the selection process, instead there was a Business quiz followed by an extempore. The business quiz consisted of questions related to business news and general questions from domains like marketing, finance, IT, Operations and HR. My extempore topic was an abstract one, ""Is man free but still bounded in chains?.""

To prepare for a quiz, just read business news or newspapers like economic times and know the basic of various business domains. 

Extempore is more on the abstract side and just improves the communication and flow of english and sentence formation. "

Check FORE Admission Process & Selection Criteria

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Akshit Aggarwal : 

“ NA “

What were your answers/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Akshit Aggarwal : 

“ NA “ 

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Akshit Aggarwal : 

"The college conducts offline interview mode at various centres in different cities. I choose Delhi as my centre and my interview was in the college itself. Their were 5 panels and each panel had 3 panellists. All three were faculties from different domains. The interview duration was about 10 minutes. It was a somewhat technical interview and tested the knowledge about various domains of business. 

The tip I would like to give is to be clear with your profile and basics of marketing, finance, operations etc."

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Akshit Aggarwal : 

"1) Firstly I was asked about why I chose marketing as a specialization during my graduation. To this I gave my personal interest reasons and nothing much.

2) Then they asked a follow up question on branding. To which I replied with the simple definition and an example.

3) Then one of the Panellist asked me about the ""positioning"" of a product and asked me to tell what the positioning of coca cola is? I got confused a bit to this but made my point according to my knowledge.

4) Then they changed the subject and asked me a logical question which was related to finance( I don't really remember the question). 

5) Then they asked me about my certification course in digital marketing. They asked me about tools used in lead generation and related questions."

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted (OR if you did not join this college after converting it, mention 3 reasons for not joining it).

Akshit Aggarwal : 

"1) Located in the city

2) Wanted to specialize in marketing and this college is known for marketing.

3) offers a dual specialization programme."

What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?

Akshit Aggarwal : 

“ NA “ 

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