AMC Group of Institutions offers education in Management and Engineering streams. The aim of the AMC is to provide practical learning with the latest technology. To know more read about the happenings of the institute:

AMC Group of Institutions announces its empanelment with West Bengal Student Credit Card Scheme

Date: September 15, 2021

AMC Group of Institutions have recently announced its empanelment in the prestigious West Bengal Student Credit Card Scheme. This scheme is implemented for helping the Students financially for pursuing Higher Education. The Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal has introduced the Student Credit Card Scheme for all students of West Bengal to enable them to pursue Higher Education easily. This scheme is designed to support the students to pursue secondary, higher secondary, madrasah, undergraduate, and postgraduate studies including professional degree and other equivalent courses in any School, Madrasah, College, University, and other affiliated institutes within and outside India. Students studying in various coaching institutions for appearing in different competitive examinations like Engineering, Medical, Law, IAS, IPS, WBCS, etc, can also avail of the loan under this scheme.

Student Credit Card Scheme

A student from West Bengal can obtain a maximum loan of INR 10 lakhs @ 4% per annum simple interest from the State Cooperative Bank and its affiliated Central Cooperative Banks and District Central Cooperative Banks and Public/Private Sector Banks. 1% interest concession will be provided to the borrower if the interest is fully serviced during the study period. The upper age limit for the interested students has been kept as 40 years at the time of applying for the loan. The repayment period shall be 15 years for any loan availed under this Credit Card including the repayment holiday. Steps for applying for the Student Credit Card Scheme are as follows:

  • Step1: Register at the portal of the government for applying for the scheme.
  • Step 2: Apply for the Student Credit Cards after filling in all the required details.
  • Step 3: Students will receive a notification regarding the confirmation about the Loan sanctioned.

Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, said “We had promised Students sometime back that our government would provide credit card facilities to our students to help them pursue higher education more easily. Now, we are doing that,”. The Education Minister of Bengal, Bratya Basu further said, “The priority of the Government of West Bengal, led by our visionary Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is providing Quality Education to the students of our state. She dreams of restoring the glory of Bengal when we used to lead our country in the fields of Arts and Culture, Science and Technology, Commerce and Industries”.

AMC hosted a webinar with Philip Kotler and VUCA

AMC Banalore

Date: August 30, 2021

AMC strives to provide its students with ample knowledge required to promote confidence and equip the student community, through academic autonomy, to face future challenges. AMC is constantly looking for ways to inculcate innovations in its methods of imparting knowledge to its students. AMC’s core principle revolves around providing students with more than what the syllabus calls for so they can expand their horizons and their thinking capacities. Here look at two interesting webinars hosted by AMC for the benefit of its students and faculty.

The first webinar is The Philip Kotler Webinar- Seven views of how marketing and businesses are evolving, and the second webinar is VUCA and its application in the modern world, in collaboration with Leaders Excellence at Harvard Square, with Prof. David Lewin from UCLA Anderson School of management and presided over by Chief Guest Dan Hoyer, Founder, and President of Leaders Excellence at Harvard Square.

The AMC Webinar with Dr. Philip Kotler

AMC with its webinars aims to provide its audience with relevant content needed in today's dynamic structures, and who better to do it than the ‘Father of Marketing’ himself, Dr. Philip Kotler. He is an innovative thought leader, a revered educator, an accomplished author of over 50 books, a well-traveled speaker, a social activist, and a trusted consultant to the world’s most recognized corporate brands. This webinar provided its listeners with valuable information related to the ins and outs, do’s and don't and the tips and tricks of marketing.

In this webinar, Dr. Kotler provided insights on the seven views of how marketing and businesses are evolving. He spoke about the relevant functions in a company and how everything apart from these obligations turn, by default, into costs and how to cut them for better functioning of the organization. He enlightened the audience about the emotional aspects as humans that come into play during decision-making and how this in turn affects numerous factors for a company or product. 

The webinar was well received with around 15,600 registrations on youtube organized on 18th May 2021. Dr. Kotler provided valuable information related to his Seven books that contain all of the information discussed. The books cover various topics such as how to leverage marketing in the growing digital world, the importance of STP, the evolution eras of marketing, branding, social media marketing, healthcare marketing, etc. The idea of initiating a marketing club on the campus of AMC honoring the marketing guru’s 90th birthday, and hence naming it after the Guru himself called the ‘Philip Kotler Club 90’ was well received by Dr. Kotler and the initiative is well underway.

AMC and the VUCA Webinar

Many of us come from a place that is unknown to the understanding of the concept of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity in the business universe. AMC to bridge this gap between people and their proper understanding of ‘VUCA and its applications in the modern world’, hosted the VUCA webinar by Prof. David Lewin from UCLA Anderson School of Management. This webinar covered various topics for people of various sectors like entrepreneurs, students, social-media prodigies, banking officials, professors, journalists, researchers, and many more. The changes that are taking place since the start of the pandemic are large-scale and occur instantaneously. 

The webinar analyzed the challenges that are being faced by leaders in this critical period and how these can be converted into opportunities. Prof. David Lewin provided insights about the key to managing in this environment are to break VUCA down into its parts and to identify volatile, uncertain, complex, or ambiguous situations. The Professor briefed the audience about how each type of situation has its causes and resolutions, thereby making it necessary for one to aim to deal with one factor at a time. In the webinar, Prof. Lewin proposed a framework that one can use to respond to VUCA threats. He concluded by saying that one can view VUCA as a challenge to improve one’s leadership and management skills, or one can turn it into an opportunity to make his/her team more effective by focusing on the right areas.

The pandemic brought with it several limitations and the education sector faced the brunt of these constraints to a large extent. With schools and colleges remaining closed and the impulsive decision of starting online classes, left the majority of students hampered for information and knowledge. But, with the gradual onset of online classes and the slow familiarity of the situation, students began to see the light at the end of the tunnel and AMC taking full-fledged advantage of the internet and its ability to make things convenient and easy for educators, resorted to webinars for its students amidst other adaptations.

The two above-mentioned webinars were a great hit amongst students and others, encouraging AMC to keep the trend alive and kicking. AMC hopes to dispense similar insightful and beneficial webinars going forward and encourages you to be a part of this revolutionary experience.