Dr. N Sudhakar Reddy is the current serving principal of SVPCET, Puttur. He has completed his P.h.D from R&D Institute of Technology, M.Tech from SRM University Chennai, and B.E from P.S.R Engineering College Chennai. Before joining SVPCET, he has served at various notable positions in the past in various institutes. He is also a Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi and International Association of Engineers(IAENG).
Witnessing our students succeed in their career is a daily motivation factor
The key factor is the sharing of knowledge. Information Literacy among the young and dynamic learners could build the preeminent future of our nation. The sheer joy which comes from witnessing our students succeed in their careers is itself a daily motivation factor for my work.
Leadership is a responsibility to encourage people around you at every step
According to me, leadership is not the crown to wear and command the people around you rather, it’s a responsibility to empower the teams to set inventive and collective goals, be participative, and encourage them on each step to reach it. Hence, I feel I’m a transformational leader. I lay the onus on empowering the people around me and facilitating the necessary environment to help them succeed and excel.
Curriculum indulges with contemporary technology with on hand practices through Research and Development
The curriculum of SVPCET indulges with contemporary technology with on hand practices through Research and Development center, Incubation Centre, Students Skill Development center, workshops, conferences, and Industrial visits.
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Role of the principal is to provide strategic direction with proper vision and mission
The role of a principal is to provide strategic direction with proper vision and mission where we can develop standardized curricula, assess teaching methods, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, revise policies and procedures to set the better tomorrow. My main focus is on facilitating students with all the necessary opportunities to help them grow in their chosen career path.
Excellent teaching and research facilities along with strong industry links proves beneficial for the students
Our computing and engineering laboratories and workshops are equipped to meet all commercial and industrial standards, and these facilities are available both in and out of class time for the students. Students not only benefit from excellent teaching and research facilities but the strong links with the industry play a pivotal role. Collaborative MOU’s with companies not only help us remain at the forefront of technological advances but ensures that we keep pace with employers’ changing expectations.
Sustainable inclusion of our culture with the changing global scenario is the key
The youth today has been influenced majorly by western culture. This has made them forget the traditions and culture, and they try to enact and adapt to the western lifestyle. The key lies in the sustainable inclusion of our culture with the changing global scenario.
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Strive to become a lifelong learner, and be a vital part of our nation's development
My suggestion to the students is to stay focused on the dream they have set and don't get discouraged. Strive to become a lifelong learner, and be a vital part of our nation's development. Opportunities exist everywhere, and it is up to the student to make the best out of them.
It is our role to give direction to the students and solve their concerns by giving them the liberty to voice their opinion
In our Institution, we have set a free path for all the students and the staff to deliver their opinion from very low end to the high end of transparency. We take feedback from our students about the faculties, we provide mentoring to each student and convey to the parents about the same.
Before the session commences, we organize an orientation program for the students and parents to absorb their views and convey our vision and mission and enlighten the path ahead of the students.