Dr. Anupam Mandloi is working as Vice Principal at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore. He has obtained his M.Sc and Ph.D. in Chemistry, and MBA (Exe) Marketing from DAVV, Indore and presently pursuing a Ph.D. in Management from MU, Indore. He is interested in Science Outreach & Communication, Green Economy & Development, Pollution Prevention & mediation, Fuel & Energy, Climate Change, Startup Growth & Brand Management. Anupam has numerous publications and has written several books. He has Teaching Experience of more than 21 years.
What keeps you connected with the Education Sector and how has your experience been so far with the institute?
“Self-satisfaction of being engaged in Nation Building”
Self-satisfaction as I am engaged in the nation-building process through the education sector. At Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore I am privileged to have versatile academic & administrative responsibilities. The Indian education system is gradually realizing the importance of integrated learning. It is a widely accepted fact now that integrating subjects can make learning interesting for the students and help them grasp the subjects better. While teachers have to look for innovative methods, teaching and learning tools can make it easier for them.
Active interaction between the teacher and the students creates a stress-free environment in the class. Teaching young minds needs skill and it is a kind of art. Academic excellence is not the only qualification for a candidate to be a teacher. Stress is now being given to trained teachers; (AICTE-NITTTR initiated industry training also) who know how to help students learn using a variety of teaching and learning tools. I am satisfied & proud to be with SAIT.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“Providing students with updated knowledge and guiding teachers in teaching”
Enrich students with UPDATED knowledge as per university curriculum & mentor them in such a manner that learn well and also excel in the EXAMINATION. Practical Session with students focused on Skill Development. Teachers are for teaching and guiding, but their roles and responsibilities do not end there only. Besides supplying learners with new information and knowledge, the act of teaching is quite a complex mode of work. Teaching is mostly based upon interaction among the students and the teacher. This interaction may go on for hours and days. Thus new concepts and opinions are formed.
Do you have any extracurricular programs to enhance the skills of the students?
“Providing students with extracurricular programs and exposing them to real-world challenges”
Yes, In-house Summer Training Programs, Finishing School & Students Induction Program on Universal Human Values, and Industry Experts Lectures.
Real-world examples demonstrate the complexity and unpredictability of real issues, and as such, can stimulate critical thinking. They also highlight the need for an inter-and multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. Further, using examples from the real world demonstrates that, oftentimes, there is no perfect solution to a given problem. But, doing so, gets students thinking about solutions, rather than just focusing on problems.For students to be truly successful, lessons must be relevant and authentic. The best way to create relevant and authentic lessons is to frame them in the context of real-world problems or situations.
How does the curriculum of the institute ensure that the students are being prepared for the future?
“Curriculum of institute gets updated at regular intervals for meeting the industry standards”
The UNIVERSITY curriculum updates periodically in synchronization with Industry requirements to ensure the exploration of advanced domain knowledge to students.
Getting into a top-ranked college and crushing a four-year degree course—once-and-done learning—was sufficient for both career and life success in the past. This mindset worked well for decades, but unfortunately, this approach won't cut it in the future. The rise of automation and AI has flipped the traditional linear model of education-employment-career on its head and has raised questions about our educational institutions' abilities to train students not only for jobs that exist but also for jobs that don't exist yet.
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How do you make the subjects industry-oriented?
“Providing students with industrial visits to gain practical experience”
Regular THEORY & PRACTICAL session, as well as expert session, always covers UPDATED current application/industry topics. Without a doubt, engineering is one of the best career choices for Science students. Equally, it is more challenging to stand out in the market. You need to be very flexible, well-trained, and skilled to acquire a good position in a reputable company. Students with less practical knowledge, often find it difficult to cope with the industrial environment. As an engineer, it is highly recommended to pursue practical training of what you are learning in the theoretical class.
What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teaching the students?
“Providing Students with Activity-based Learning Programs”
Frequent use of activity-based learning, through projects, presentations, quizzes, case study & industry visits are the key to features. The principles for instructional practices are generally applicable provided that they are developed and applied in specific ways for different developmental domains and learning needs, including general learning competencies, socioemotional development, cognitive development, and specific subject-matter content. These principles include managing the learning environment, teaching subject-matter content through learning trajectories, using tiered intervention approaches, using a mix of instructional methods, using interdisciplinary approaches to instruction.
What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?
“People should know about our Skill enhancement programs and recognitions”
A student-centric academic environment for transforming better-skilled engineers. Institute runs with the following motto:
- To provide students with the fundamental knowledge, interdisciplinary problem-solving skills, societal and business awareness, and confidence required to excel in their chosen professions;
- To enhance students’ acquisition of useful knowledge, communicative skills, and analytical abilities through innovative pedagogy and a holistic learning environment;
- To anticipate and respond to the needs of industry, commerce, and the community by engaging in applied research, and use the results of such work to directly benefit the society and beyond;
- To enhance its strength through pursuing collaboration in teaching and research with other institutions of higher education;
- To encourage staff and students to contribute to community service through strong partnerships with Government, business, industry, professional and other sectors of the community;
- To be recognized as one of the elite engineering colleges through research, innovation in education, and the transfer of concepts and results to technology, management, and science practice.
What do you see as the greatest strengths of the Institute?
“Institute is delivering quality education for decades”
Academic First Policy (Best Academic Environment for All). At SAIT, the clear intent is to produce Engineers for the 21st century, engineers who are competent to face the challenges thrown at them by the global economy. Having delivered quality education for decades, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences ventured into the field of Technical Education in 2009 with Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology with a clear intent to make the institute the best seat of learning in their respective disciplines. In such a short period, the colleges have started progressing towards their vision to be an institution of national repute. Best of the faculties work incessantly to achieve this ambition and the results have already started coming.
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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for your institute specifically?
“Maintaining consistency and sustainability of Academics in the Present New Normal”
Consistency & Sustainability of Academic Environment in Present New Normal. As we consider the challenges facing them in that endeavor, it is useful to remember that higher education is not a monolith. It is made up of many independent and diverse institutional types all operating to support and sustain internal organizational self-interest even as they serve broader societal objectives.
Higher education also serves a wide array of students with differing needs, resources, and capacities. Problems and opportunities appear quite different from these various perspectives, and actions and interventions can yield different outcomes across different groups of institutions or different types of students or faculty. Nevertheless, there are certain core principles that all of these institutions share, and there are certain aspects of their experience that are common.
Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
“Dream it, learn it & excel in life”
Skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and flexibility have always been important for work and life. But they will be even more crucial for future generations. Rapid advances in technology are transforming the world of work, and by 2030 an estimated 113 million jobs around the globe will go unfilled due to lack of skills. We are also more connected than ever before, and complex global challenges such as climate change and health epidemics call for leaders and citizens who can collaborate with diverse groups to solve problems.
We should aim to spark a global dialogue and promote an increased understanding of how to develop the skills and learning that all children need for success in their lives and livelihoods.