Interview by Yash Panchal

Mrs. Meenakshi Khurana is currently working as Pro Vice-Chancellor at Manav Rachna University. In an exclusive interview with, she shares her views on the education industry and talks about the University.
Mrs. Khurana on whether engineering jobs have shrunk or not in this competitive world
With India emerging as one of the fastest growing economies and with technology gaining a foothold across industries; there has been a massive impetus to technical/engineering education, fast pacing all other streams of subjects. In a global perspective, it is important to ask if the world seriously needs so many engineers and scientists. The answer is probably “Yes”. The world needs a lot many well-equipped, brilliant, technically skilled graduates. There are, and there will be numerous job opportunities for those who have the potential. In addition, opportunities for self-employment are also immense especially for those who have an innovative and energetic mindset.
Must-have skills for today’s engineers
Today, engineers must be well-equipped to deal with real life problems, a trait that’s missing since computer simulated problems are all that the youth are encountering nowadays. Numerous young people nowadays don’t realize the impact of a practical consideration. Students must recognize realistic considerations; think creatively; innovate and do hands-on work.
Society nowadays looks at its engineers as not just job-seekers, but creators, too. Therefore, engineers need to understand product design, economics, and businesses. A long list of demands possibly, but all these could make an engineer an inclusive citizen.
Manav Rachna’s role in honing the skills of young engineers
At Manav Rachna, students are exposed to widespread laboratory projects and term papers. These prepare students in skills such as managing tools and software, building software, and persuading creativity. We prepare students in a way that they are able to relate to the world around them. Youth should work towards the betterment of local communities and also help in addressing their concerns to the best of their capacity.
To understand the craft of problem-solving, one doesn’t need to move too far from the campus. On-campus problems, such as availability of water, power, and communication, may be worked upon to begin. For instance, students can develop software programmes to automate administration processes within a campus. Interesting projects, such as rainwater harvesting or establishing wireless links between buildings are educative, challenging and productive.
Techniques used by Manav Rachna to prepare students to be future ready
We have a Corporate Relations and Career Management Centre which constantly strives for expanding the industry-academia interface, instilling enthusiasm and confidence among students aspiring towards a fulfilling career in the corporate. We have students driving things and projects. In addition, our collaboration and integration with companies give the best to us. Our institutions are actively engaged in research in several areas of Engineering, Basic and Applied Sciences, Management, among others. We have to our credit, over 4,000 research publications in International & National Journals as well as International & National Conferences. These include many papers listed in the Scopus database, Web of Science and Science citation index. 386 Patents have been filed/granted to our faculty and students.