Dr. Sasikumar Gurumoorthy is a Professor and Head in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, at Jerusalem College of Engineering in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He has 17 years of teaching and 12 years of research experience. He has held various senior positions such as Head of the Department, Chief Superintendent, and Assistant Chief Superintendent of University Exams. He also serves on the Board of Examiners and Board of Studies in Indian Universities. He has published over 115 research papers in different international journals and conferences, more in the area of intelligent systems and interactive computing. His current interest includes soft computing and artificial intelligence in biomedical engineering, human and machine interaction and applications of intelligent system techniques, new user interface, brain-based interaction, human-centric computing, fuzzy sets and systems, image processing, cloud computing, content-based learning, and social network analysis. He authored seven reference text books in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. He has received Research Grant from DST-CSRI to work on “Intelligent System to Classify Human Brain Signals for Finding Brain Diseases.”For his outstanding contributions in the Wipro -Mission10X, he has been awarded In Pursuit of Excellence in Engineering Education through Innovation (in 2009). 

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Social and emotional competence for students and adults connects me with the education sector”

Since finishing my Phd, I’ve been associated with the education sector. The four school conditions for learning include physical or emotional health, safety, sense of belonging, connectedness, and support. Academic challenge or engagement, social and emotional competence for students and adults connects me with the education sector. 

Being the HOD of the ECE Department, what is your Philosophy of leadership and describe your leadership style?

“To be loyal to the team and lead by example is my leadership philosophy”

To me leadership means loyalty, courage, and respect for all human beings. As a leader, I should be loyal to my mission and to my team. I will take responsibility if I don't communicate with my team effectively. If someone on my team makes a mistake, it is my mistake. I would describe my leadership style as direct and leading by example. We enjoy delegating tasks and taking the lead on projects. But I also like to stay involved and inspire my team by showing that I am working hands-on to help them.

Being the HOD of University, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing or administration?

“Encompass videos, social media posts, podcasts, webinars, and more for campus marketing”

If you are looking for the overall most effective marketing strategy for small business, Content marketing is the winner. Content marketing encompasses blogs, videos, social media posts, podcasts, webinars, and more. Basically, any type of content you can distribute online falls into this category.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying in Jerusalem College Of Engineering?

“Improvise the creativity of students through our campus education system”

Indian education focuses more on theory rather than practical solely. Also, our education system doesn't allow creativity as such. On the other hand, in foreign countries; they usually focus more on practical based learning. We also allow creativity in the education system for students. 

How does the curriculum of Jerusalem College Of Engineering ensure the best practice of industry?

“Provide assessment, planning session, content development, pilot delivery and revision on our courses”

Our curriculum development process can be categorized as follows. It includes assessment, planning session, content development, pilot delivery, revision, and the completed curriculum package. The ideal situation is to have at a minimum, 6 - 12 months to design and develop a curriculum.

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Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Self-motivation, citizenship, and cultural engagement follows in our campus”

Ultimately, studies show that diversity in education particularly on college campuses improves the intellectual engagement, self-motivation, citizenship, and cultural Engagement. Academic skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and writing for students of all races are available from campus.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities are to the Jerusalem College Of Engineering and students?

“Prepare classes, meetings, academic activities, and special events are my primary duties”

We uphold the values of honesty and academic integrity. Our faculties make sure to arrive on time and prepared for all classes, meetings, academic activities, or special events. Give attention to quality and excellence in completing assignments on campus. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Vocationalization of education and other new courses are our top priority for upcoming years”

In the future, we will focus on vocationalization of education. There should also be a focus on distance education, and convergence of formal or informal. Another one is distance and IT education institutions. 

When you first came to Jerusalem College Of Engineering, what was your vision for the university?

“To provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization is our vision”

A vision statement may describe a school loftiest ideals, its core organizational values, and long-term objectives. One of the major hopes its students will learn or be capable of doing after graduating. The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization. It is ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“Internship Opportunities, Safety, Academic Support and Career Services are provided to students”

Perspective is the vital factor for choosing a College. The most important factor when considering a college is how the school made you feel. Our campus provides Internship Opportunities, Safety, Academic Support, Career Services, Campus Life, Athletics, Extracurricular Activities, Majors and Minors for pupils. 

What do you see as the greatest strengths of Jerusalem College Of Engineering?

“Honesty, integrity, responsibility, commitment, and time management are our greatest strengths”

Some of the greatest academic strengths include learning from mistakes, honesty, integrity, responsibility, commitment, time management, and kindness. Others are problem-solving, ability to follow directions, openness, and creativity among students. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general and University?

“Enrollment declines, rising costs and student debt are great challenges faced by us”

Today’s colleges and universities face an unprecedented array of challenges and threats. Some of these include enrollment declines, rising costs and student debt. Emerging college alternatives, and political interference are other difficulties faced by us. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Learning new ideas and mistakes makes you stronger”

No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are what make you stronger. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them.

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What are some plans that you’re currently designing for Jerusalem College Of Engineering  international affairs and students?

“Academic areas and some non-academic extracurricular activities are decided by us”

College admissions officers are looking for students who show deep curiosity. Interest in Some academic areas and some non-academic extracurricular are our top plans. But, it is not enough to just get very good grades and test scores. We need to have authentic passion and have attained some notable achievements in that area.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment on your campus?

“Promote Class Discussion, Peer Interaction, and Staying Connected with Students”

To establish a healthy relationship and environment in institute, we build Positive Relationships through Communication, Promote Class Discussion and Peer Interaction. Staying connected with students, and come up with Projects lead students to get excited about. We create a sense of order and routine.