Established in the year 2000, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology (HiCET) Coimbatore is one of the premier technological institutions inculcating quality and value-based education through innovative teaching-learning processes for the holistic development of the students. Read here to know more about the institution.
Awareness Campaign on World Habitat Day by Hindusthan Engineering College Students
Date: October 8, 2021
On the occasion of “World Habitat Day”, the students of Rotaract club of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology parented by the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Town organized an awareness campaign on “A walkathon for a Carbon-free world”. Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free future is the topic for this year's World Habitat Day. The students of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology undertook a pledge to make our community carbon-free. The event was flagged off by Hindusthan Institution’s CEO Dr. K. Karunakaran, Dean Dr. Jaya and Rotary President Rtn. Kathikeyan.
Every year on the first Monday in October, World Habitat Day is commemorated. The focus of the event is on the situation of human settlements and everyone's entitlement to sufficient shelter. It also serves as a reminder to people that they are accountable for the environment in which they live, for generations to come. The United Nations General Assembly established World Habitat Day in 1985. The first time it was commemorated was in 1986.
The purpose of “World Habitat Day” is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all human beings to adequate shelter. Around 60 students participated in the event and walked for the cause and created awareness among the people. The event took place in Racecourse, Coimbatore.
Cities contribute to around 70% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, with transportation, buildings, electricity, and waste management accounting for the majority of these emissions. The future of our planet depends on International, National, Regional governments and organizations’ efforts in reducing the carbon footprint.
Incubation Programme exclusively for Women students
Date: September 24, 2021
Department of Management Sciences and Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore has signed MOU virtually on 24.09.2021 with Shakti – The Empathy Project (STEP), Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh to promote entrepreneurship among women students of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology. Shakti – The Empathy Project (STEP) is an incubation programme for early –stage women entrepreneurs creating social impact. Through this MOU, the institution becomes a network partner there by empowering women students to become entrepreneurs.
Dr.K.Samuvel – Director MBA delivered the welcome address. Dr.K.Karunakaran - Chief Executive Officer of the institution delivered the presidential address. Ms.Renu Shah- Founder of Shakti delivered the MOU address and explained about the STEP activities. Dr.P.N.Magudeeswaran – Dean Academics and Dr.J.Jaya – Dean delivered special address followed by virtual signing of MOU. Mrs.V.Kanimozhi – Entrepreneurship Development Cell Coordinator delivered the Vote of Thanks. Ms.Shruti Sharma – Program Associate of Shakti represented Shakti along with Ms.Renu Shah- Founder of Shakti.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell Coordinators and Women Empowerment Cell Coordinators of various departments from Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology joined the MOU signing ceremony.
Entrepreneurship Cluster Development Program
Date: September 24, 2021
Department of Management Sciences and Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore has signed MOU with ICT Academy, Chennai to implement Entrepreneurship Cluster Development Program for the students of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology aspiring to become entrepreneurs on 24.09.2021. “Aspiring Entrepreneurs Program 2021” an initiative to nurture aspiring students towards starting and running a successful business enterprise on their own was implemented by ICT Academy for which Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology will be a Partner. Dr.K.Karunakaran - Chief Executive Officer, Dr.P.N.Magudeeswaran – Dean Academics, Dr.J.Jaya – Dean, Dr.K.Samuvel – Director MBA and Entrepreneurship Development Cell Coordinators of various departments from Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology joined the MOU signing ceremony. Mr.Anand.H – Senior Manager of ICT Academy and Mr.Vijay Babu – Academy Relationship Manager of ICT Academy represented ICT academy.
Engineer’s Day and Teacher’s Day Celebrated on 15th September 2021 at the Valley Campus, HICET, Coimbatore

Date: September 17, 2021
“Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.” - Albert Einstein
The Management of Hindusthan Educational Institutions always strives to impart quality education through need based training programs, research studies, learning resources for developing and augmenting students and faculty as well. Hindusthan Educational Institutions celebrated Engineers’ Day” and Teacher's Day in a grand manner on September 15, 2021 at 10:00 am in the Valley Campus, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology. Expert talks were arranged online for all students of Hindusthan Educational Institutions. Mr.Sujithkumar (Founder- Maatram Foundation) Ms.Vijayalakshmi (Vice President-HR, Payoda Technologies) and Mr.Sarath Chandra Sukumar (General Manager-HR, Vaken Technology) delivered their special talks to the students.
Dr.B. Anbuthambi, President, ICT Academy, Chief Guest of the ceremony delivered a special address on the role of teachers in ensuring “Learning Never Stops”, even in this COVID-19 pandemic crisis. He appreciated the pedagogical adaptations taken by teachers in finding solutions and creating new learning environments for their students to allow education to continue.
During this ceremony, the teachers were recognized for their exemplary performance in various disciplines like Research Project, Research Paper, Consultancy Project, Grant Received, Book Publication, Self learning, Social Service, Institution Image Building and for uplifting the standard of the institution.
On this occasion, Smt. Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann (the Managing Trustee), Dr. Priya Satish Prabu (Executive Secretary), Dr K.Karunakaran (the Chief Executive Officer), and Dr. J. Jaya (Dean) congratulated and appreciated the entire team for their valuable effort in organising and making this event a great success.
Hindusthan Educational Institutions - HiYES and HiFUSE-2021-Inaugural Ceremony

Date: August 12, 2021
Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore organize a series of youth empowerment activities through HiYES and HiFUSE. In addition to regular academic activities, HECT nurtures the students with youth leadership programs to develop contemporary skills relevant to the job market, together with character and skill-building. As a move beyond structured regular academics practical exposure is being imparted from industry experts. The Inaugural ceremony of HiYES and HiFUSE -2021 was organized online on 29th July 2021. The Chief Guest Mr. Udaya Sankar, Lead - NASSCOM Industry-Academia Connect, delivered the expert talk on the topic ‘Future Jobs and Essential Skills’. More than 3000 students of the Hindusthan Group of Institutions took part in this function. Prof. Dr. J.Jaya, Dean (HiCET) welcomed the gathering. Dr. Priya Sathish Prabhu, Executive Trustee and Secretary, HECT felicitated the gathering.
Mr. Udaya Sankar, in his talk, emphasized the importance of essential skills sets required to face the realistic job market scenarios today. He said that we live in a fast-changing world where new practices are being developed, new technologies are being invented and new discoveries are being made. Today, the work process is undergoing a drastic change due to technology enhancement, demographic shifts and globalization.
Frequent developments in disruptive technologies like Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Internet of Things, etc. have led to digital disruption due to which software occupies the throne and demands the organizations to keep pace up with the growing technology. Reskilling then becomes necessary to deal with the impact on IT and the start-up industry which is expanding rapidly with the new technology cycle. In upcoming years new-fangled technologies will rule the world and therefore students will need to upgrade themselves for future growth and long-lasting careers. Hence, a proactive approach through upskilling and reskilling is a must for the students to get placed in the demanding placement market. He also emphasized empowering the students to build the right skills and learning opportunities to tailor their goals and interests, and showcase all their learnings in an up-to-date record that travels throughout their career.
He also answered all the questions posted by students on coding languages, internships and emerging technologies and appreciated the students for their laudable response and feedback. The Program ended with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Dr. K.Samuvel, Director, Department of MBA, HICET.
On this occasion, The Managing Trustee, Smt. Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Executive Secretary, Dr. Priya Satish Prabu, and the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. K.Karunakaran, congratulated and appreciated the entire team for their valuable effort in organizing and making this event a great success.
NEP 2020: Research, Innovation and Ranking

Date: August 12, 2021
The Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology organized a National Webinar on “NEP 2020: Research, Innovation and Ranking” on 09-08-2021 as an element of the First year anniversary of New Education Policy NEP-2020. The session is handled by eminent personality Mr.Anirban Patra, who is a consultant, KPMG India, Bangalore. The resource person was addressing an overview of New Education Policy 2020 and the importance provided by NEP 2020 to the Research contribution of faculty and students. In addition to this, the speaker describes the importance of Innovative knowledge and how this plays a vital role in their career benefit. The speaker also explained ranking methodologies implemented by the Government of India and the possible procedures to be done by an institution to obtain ranking success. This program is inaugurated by Dr.K.Karunakaran, Chief Executive Officer of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology. The Convener of this program is Dr.S.Saravana Sundaram, HOD/BME. This Program has got an overwhelming response of 650 participants who participated in the Online Platform.
MoU signing between HICET, Department of Information Technology, Coimbatore and NoviTech R&D Pvt.Ltd. Coimbatore

Date: July 31, 2021
The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Information Technology and NoviTech R&D Pvt. Ltd. took place on July 30, 2021, in the presence of Mr.A.Senthil Kumar, Managing Director, Mr M.Senthil Murugan, Business Development Manager, Novitech R&D Pvt.Ltd, Dr. K. Karunakaran, CEO/Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Magudeeswaran. P. N., Dean/Academics-HICET, Dr. J. Jaya Dean - HICET, Dr. I. Jasmine Selvakumari Jeya - Head of the Department and Faculty Members. In this Meeting, various discussions were made on how the Technical Event activities; Employability oriented training programmes will be conducted and how it will help the students to pick up in the competitive world.
NoviTech is a technology company specialized in Product Engineering with the main focus on industries - Automotive and Robotics, Industrial Electronics, High Tech and Utilities which also interested in conducting various domain-specific value-added training Programmes, workshops and seminars on Artificial Intelligence, BlockChain, Internet of Things and React API development in a nominal cost. Mr. A.Vinoth Kumar, Managing Director and Mr M. Senthil Murugan, Business Development Manager of NoviTech R&D Pvt. Ltd.
The main aim of this MoU is for students to improve their technical skills based on recent Trends such as AI, IoT, BlockChain as well as employability opportunities. They provide Skill-based training programmes, internships based on good academic records. Additionally, it provides various research-oriented activities in various domains like Artificial Intelligence, Data science to share knowledge and ideas to students to develop new products and services in all the areas.
The Management of Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Smt.Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Managing Trustee, Mrs. Priya Satish Prabhu, Executive Trustee and secretary have congratulated the Team.
Fantabulous Recognition for HICET, Coimbatore

It’s really heartwarming to note that Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology (HICET) has grown leaps and bounds and chronicles the bliss of growth, the glory of action, and the action splendor of achievements. Enduing the student community and promote teaching that helps students to learn, persist, succeed, and ultimately graduate and to be successful in all walks of life. This would aid in making HiCET a trailblazer in various spheres. Ranking
- 156th position in India Today Ranking.
- Digital India, Data quest has ranked 26th position for HiCET among the best 100 Tech-enabled Engineering Colleges in India.
- HICET has been coined as Outstanding Engineering Institute by ‘World Education Summit.
- Ranked 31st in National Level & 6th position in State Level by ‘Education World Magazine’.
- Ranked 37th among Top Engineering Institutions in South Zone (India) &110th in National Level by “Outlook”, 2021
NSS Volunteer of HICET, Coimbatore Shortlisted for Chief Minister Best Practices Award, Tamil Nadu

Students of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore at International Sports Arena

Date: July 22, 2021
The Management of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore encourages the students involved in sports and extracurricular activities by providing necessary support and arrangements. The Institution has got state of the art sports facilities and expediting the high spirited sports personalities.
Mr.V.S. Rathanvel, studying in the III Year, Mechanical Engg., HICET has been shortlisted for the International Level ‘Grand Master Norm – Chess Tournament’ to be held during Aug-Oct, 2021 at Budapest, Hungary, Europe.
Besides, the student has played in the National Level Chess Tournament organized by IIT, Mumbai during March, 2021 and acquired Third Place. He has also participated in many National, International Chess tournaments and won many awards and brought laurels to the institution.
The Managing Trustee Smt. Saraswathi Khannaiyann, Executive Secretary Dr. Priya Satish Prabu, Chief Executive Officer Dr. K.Karunakaran, Dean Dr.J.Jaya, and the entire faculty fraternity of HICET congratulate the sports Aspirant and wishe him all success in his future endeavors.
MOU signed with Savory Minds, Hyderabad -Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

Date: July 12, 2021
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology scaled greater heights by establishing various Centres of Excellence as a measure to provide industrial exposure to students. Centres of Excellence aim at bridging the expectations of the industries and the dreams of the students thereby providing excellent opportunities to the students to emerge successfully in the modern era. One such centre of excellence of AI &ML has signed an MOU with Savoury Minds, Hyderabad recently. Savory Minds pvt Ltd is a global leader in next-generation digital services which also has interest in funding students Innovative Projects and consulting. Mr.BY Amith Kumar is the Founder and Managing director of Savory Minds pvt Ltd.
The objective of this MOU is that both the parties will share knowledge and ideas to develop new products and services in the area of Artificial Intelligence. In addition to this the expected Benefits of signing MoU with this company facilitates to build a skilled and trained workforce in the area of Artificial Intelligence, to offer free internship for the students who are interested in the area of Artificial Intelligence, to help the centre of excellence of Artificial Intelligence of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology to move a step ahead by providing funds for their product development. The research collaboration, joint proposal, joint programmes will be collaborated by both the parties to work on the common intention between the both parties for future engagements.
The Management of Hindusthan Educational Institutions,Smt.Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Managing Trustee, Mrs. Priya Satish Prabhu, Executive Trustee and secretary have congratulated the Team.

Date: July 12, 2021
IBM Career Education collaborates with Hindusthan Educational Institutions. We are the first institution to have a tie-up with IBM Career Education in Tamilnadu. IBM offers 60 integrated courses to launch specialization tracks under various degree programmes. On behalf of this collaboration initial discussion meeting was conducted under the topic of “Future Technology Enabled Curriculum” in the presence of Ms.Vidhya Sri.T, Director Institute Relations and HR-IBM, Ms.Priya Sathish, Director-Operations IBM, Dr.K.Karunakaran, CEO/Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Dr.C.Natarajan, Principal/Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Dr.J.Jaya Dean-HICET Dr.Magudeeswaran.P.N, Dean/Academics-HICET and Heads of the Department of CSE, IT, AI & ML, ECE. In this meeting the discussion was made on how to prepare the students to face the competitive world in corporate industries with the help of this Industry integrated curriculum.
IBM Career Education Programme is introduced to B.Tech Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, B.Tech Data Science, B.Tech Information Technology, B.E Computer Science and Engineering and B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering students of this above listed departments to utilize many added advantages included in this IBM Career Education Programme introduces IBM Hackathon, Paper Presentations, Workshops and Learnathon competitions conducted by IBM. IBM career Education programme improves problem solving thinking in students and they can also utilize IBM operating tools. IBM offers internship for the students in their Research & Development Lab, Stand Alone Certificate courses in the platform like Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Data Science and Cyber Security. The faculty members of Hindusthan Educational Institutions can also utilize Webinars and Faculty Development Programmes conducted by IBM.
HICET gets selected for execution of AICTE Idea Lab

Date: July 09, 2021
All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi has approved Rs.1 crore for establishing IDEA lab in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. It’s a HALLMARK achievement of Hindusthan. It’s a great honor that Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology is one among 49 institutions identified across the National level and Top 5 in Tamilnadu to grab the AICTE-IDEA lab funding.
AICTE-IDEA (Idea Development, Evaluation & Application) Lab scheme was launched by AICTE on January 1, 2021 to establish infrastructure supporting new age learning in its institutions. This is aimed at encouraging students for application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fundamentals on ideas- towards enhanced hands-on experience, learning by doing and even product visualization.
The purpose of IDEA Lab is to establish for about 5000 sqft and function 24x7 in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology under one roof, for conversion of an idea into a prototype. With these facilities in the campus, more students and faculty will be encouraged to take up creative work, get training on creative thinking, problem solving, collaboration etc., apart from the existing lab facilities. This Technology enabled ECO system will certainly Kindle the students’ curiosity, imagination, and creativity and ignite their minds to produce innovative solutions for the societal challenges.
IDEA Lab at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology aims at training the faculty also to identify their scope and opportunities in teaching learning processes as well as research and development projects. Faculty should be able to encourage the students to take up and also get themselves involved in activities, projects, internships which involve utilization of such Labs. IDEA Lab aids faculty for creating problems/ projects/ internships in their own subjects/ disciplines and to mentor the students.
Chief Mentor of the IDEA Lab: Dr J. Jaya
Coordinator: Dr Sabarinathan C, Professor and Head, Dept. of Auto, HiCET
Co-Coordinator: Dr S Shankar, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, HiCET
Faculty coordinators: Dr Karpagam M, Associate Professor – E&I, Dr Rajeshkanna R, Associate Professor – EEE, Mr Veerasamy B, Associate Professor – ECE, Dr Karthikeyan P N, Associate Professor Mechanical and Mr Pradeep Johnson, Assistant professor ,Mechatronics
The Management of Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Smt. Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Managing Trustee, Dr. Priya Satish Prabhu Executive Trustee and secretary and CEO Dr K.Karunakaran have appreciated and congratulated the AICTE IDEA Lab Team.
HICET serves as Nodal Centre for TOYCATHON 2021

Date: July 09, 2021
The program was inaugurated by Smt. Priya Satish Prabhu, Executive Secretary, Hindusthan Educational and Charitable Trust. Shri Ravikumar, Head Operations, Roots Multiclean Limited, Coimbatore and Shri Shanmugham Sivaraman, Founder, Design Desk, Coimbatore were delivered the special address. Dr. K. Karunakaran, Chief Executive Officer, Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Dr. J. Jaya, DeanDr.Natarajan, Principal,HITECH and Dr.K.Siva, HoD, Department of Mechanical Engineering graced the occasion.
Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi interacted with the shortlisted teams on 24th June 2021 across the country and stressed the importance of organizing such events. 8 teams participated on behalf of Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology and Hindusthan Institute of Technology to expose their technical progress in the design of toys.The toy based learning culture will enable effective creative thinking among students. This event will nurture the young community with sense of design thinking. Further it will lead to the increased indigenous production of toys in India.
NCC Officers from HICET, Coimbatore Receives National Level Recognition

Date: July 09, 2021
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore started its NCC in 2018 to train and groom the students with self discipline, good value, hardwork and leadership qualities. NCC at HICET is formed to develop tomorrow's citizens and leaders towards "Nation Building". The Institution has 3 NCC Units with two Army Wings, one Air Wing including a technical company, battery and flying branches. Under these wings about 150 students undergo trainings given by Indian Army & Air force.
The Management of this institution encourages the students and faculty by providing necessary support and arrangements for NCC activities. The institution has hosted several national level leadership camps, Republic Day parades, Annual training camps and Shooting camps since 2015. Students have actively participated in various trainings and competitions conducted across the country and won many prizes. As per the directions given by the Department of higher education, a special course on NCC has been introduced in this academic year 2021.
Dr.V.Ravikumar and Prof. S.Jainulabudeen are appointed as NCC officers and they have undergone special trainings provided by the NCC Officers Training College, Nagpur, Maharashtra which runs under the control of Ministry of Defence. They aslo successfully completed the P.R.C.N Special Course at The Air force Training College, Tambaram, Chennai during the pandemic period. At the end of these training Dr.Ravikumar has been Commissioned as Lieutenant Rank under Army Wing and Prof.Janulabudeen has beed ranked as Flying Officer Rank under Air Wing and have received national level Certificates Of Recognition from Director General, Ministry of Defence, Govt.of India.
On this occasion, The Managing Trustee, Smt. Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Executive Secretary, Dr. Priya Satish Prabu, Chief Executive Officer, Dr K.Karunakaran, Dean, Dr.J.Jaya, and the entire faculty fraternity of HICET congratulates the Officers and wishes them success in all their future endeavours.
Students Achievement CHOLAN BOOK OF RECORDS

Date: July 09, 2021
A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exists in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, meeting a variety of student interests. The Management of Hindusthan Educational and Charitable Trust has a strong desire to develop “the whole student” by bringing out the best talents among the students studying in the institution
Ms.Sruthi.R, studying in the Department of ECE, HICET has been awarded with Individual World Record Certificate by “Cholan Book of World Records” for 14 hours Non-stop Relay Demonstration of 'Silambam'- Rotating two bamboo sticks in both hands.
Mr.Shiva Sankaran.R, studying in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, HICET has been awarded with Individual World Record Certificate by “Cholan Book of World Records” for 52 hours longest duration Non-stop Relay Demonstration of Online ‘Chess Play’ without any passes.This is a world record done first of its kind.
The Managing Trustee, Smt. Sarasuwathi Khannaiyann, Executive Secretary, Dr. Priya Satish Prabu, Chief Executive Officer, Dr K.Karunakaran, Dean, Dr.J.Jaya, and the entire faculty fraternity of HICET congratulates the achievers and wishes them success in all their future endeavours.