Vivekananda college of pharmacy

Dr. Narsimha Reddy is the Principal at Vivekananda College of Pharmacy. Believing in the power of knowledge he maintains an environment that makes the student not only industry ready but also individuals who carry strong values. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The ability and power of positively influencing people’s lives”

Education is my passion. Acquiring knowledge and passing it onto others is something that gives me a sense of satisfaction. Hence being a teacher I love to dive deep into a subject, do thorough research, and pass on the learnings to my students. It gives me the power of influencing and developing young minds which again is satisfying. I decided long back that I wanted to change people’s lives. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Inclusive leadership is what I follow”

I believe in the growth of every single individual associated with my college be it, staff, or students. We help out students the best way we can so that they become masters at whatever they are doing. We always make sure that students get familiar with modern technology so that they are industry-ready as soon as they graduate.

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“More exposure to all that is associated with the manufacturing industry”

The education system anywhere is based on the ongoing scenario and requirements of a particular region. In foreign countries, pharmaceutical studies are mostly clinic oriented whereas our curriculum is totally industry-based. As India is the manufacturing hub, we totally depend on the manufacturing of drugs, so the curriculum has to be designed according to that. 

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of the industry?

“Involving industry professionals for a better understanding”

We follow the curriculum set by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences. The curriculum is updated every 5 years which is in compliance with the ever-evolving industry and academic standards. Industry interaction gives the students a clear understanding of the requirements and the expectations.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Considering nothing but only academic background”

Our major motto is quality education for everyone at affordable prices. We offer scholarships to economically backward students of the society. When a student walks, he is someone who is seeking education and we make sure he gets the best of it. Anyone and everyone are welcome in our college. The huge diversity inside the campus proves it.

What do you think should be the Colleges’ top priority over the next 10 years?

“Keep up with the industry and the futuristic technology”

We have to move ahead with the requirements of the industry and what the future demands. Ultimately students are our products, whatever they need to lead a successful life, the successful delivery of that would always be our top priority. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Being around the right people”

Well nowadays youngsters are more focused and they mind their own business. The only thing is there are a lot of distractions nowadays. The youth culture has changed a lot. I would suggest to only avoid these distractions, maintain focus throughout the career, and have a good friend circle. Friends influence your personality, so it’s very important to choose your circle wisely.