BSEH Class 12th Exams: Haryana Board to Conduct Exam from Home Center

The Haryana State Government and the Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) has decided to conduct the board exams for the Class 12th students in their respective schools. 


Owing to the widespread second wave of covid-19, this year, the Haryana board will not allow the specific exam centers. BSEH has also notified that there will be a provision of re-examination for the students who test positive during the exam schedule and the revised dates for re-exam will be notified later. 

According to the official statement, the BSEH and the state government have taken the decision of conducting the class 12th board exams in the respective schools in the meeting. 

Also, the pattern of the class 12th board exams will be of objective type which will be conducted for a duration of 1.30 hours. Meanwhile, the exam date sheet will be notified 15 days prior to the commencement of the exams. 

Haryana Board Exam Pattern: Check Syllabus And Marking Scheme for classes 10th and 12th 

The states were presented with two options for conducting class 12 exams in a high-level meeting chaired by the Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh on Sunday. The first option was the proctored exam, a regular conduction of exams in the designated exam centers and the second option was most likely to be considered as it was a shorter exam of 1.5 hours each of only major subjects to be conducted in the student's own schools. 

The attendants of the meeting included all the State/UT education ministers, secretaries, and chairpersons of the respective State Board examinations. Meanwhile, the Haryana State Board has decided to opt for the second option and conduct the objective type examination for the class 12 students of the state. 

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