BITSAT 2020 Iteration 5 Result Declared, Check Details Here

BITS has declared the result of BITSAT 2020 iteration 5 results for admissions to first-degree programs in BITS Pilani on November 11. The applicants who appeared for the exam can check their results on the official website of BITS;

Only applicants who have qualified in the BITSAT iteration 5 will be eligible to appear in BITS counselling. To get the results, applicants will have to enter their details in the result portal on the website. Only the candidates whose names are shown in the list can secure their admissions in the counselling. 

Read More: BITSAT 2020 Cut-Off

Previously BITS has declared the result for BITS Pilani Iteration 4 on November 2. The results for Iteration 1,2, and 3 were released on October 5, October 13, and October 15.

The Iteration List of BITS is divided into two parts- admit list and waiting list. Applicants in the admit list can take admissions during counselling straight away while those in the waiting list need to wait for their allotment status in the next round.

BITS 2020; Steps to Check the Results

Applicants who appeared in the BITSAT exam can check their result by following the given steps.

  • Go to the official website of BITS;
  • Find and click on the BITS Pilani Iteration 5 result tab
  • Enter your user id and your password in the window that pops up
  • The result will be displayed
  • Download the result and get it printed out

Read More: Institutes Accepting BITSAT Score

BITSAT 2020: Counselling

Counselling for BISAT 2020 will be done online. Applicants who have cleared the exam are eligible to apply for counselling. To apply for counselling, follow the given steps.

  • Visit the website;
  • Click on Integrated first-degree programs
  • Find the option for counselling
  • Start entering the details. You’ll first need to fill in your personal details. Make sure that you do not make a mistake since you’ll not be allowed to make corrections
  • Enter your qualification details. Enter the subject wise score of class 12. In case the result is not out yet, you can choose to submit it later.
  • Now select your preferred course and college. Make sure that your choices are viable