BHU Admit Card 2020 expected Today: Check Banaras Hindu University Entrance Exam 2020 updates, links, Download

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is expected to release the admit cards for BHU entrance exam 2020 today, 18 August 2020, on the official website of the university.

BHU UET/PET 2020 first phase to be held from 24-31 August and the second phase from 9-14 September. 

Students who applied for UET and PET 2020 can check updates and download admit cards once they are available on

BHU Entrance Exam 2020: Course-wise Schedule 

Apart from releasing admit cards, BHU is expected to release the timetable for entrance examinations to be held in the second phase. BHU released a revised schedule for UET and PET 2020 on August 8, 2020.

Candidates who had earlier applied for entrance tests at BHU can download the revised exam schedule from the official website of the university.

As per the regulations of the university, schedule and admit cards for Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET) or Postgraduate Entrance Test (PET) 2020 will be available a week before the exams. 

The first phase of entrance exams for BHu will be held for admission to B.Ed, B.Ed Special Education, B.P.Ed, BPA BFA and 3-years LLB courses.

The second phase of BHU entrance exam 2020 will be conducted for BA Hons (Arts/ Social Science), BSc Hons (Maths/Biology/Ag), B.Voc, B.Com (Hons, FMM), BA LLB (5 years) and Shastri Hons. programmes.

Earlier, BHU allowed applicants for changing to their preferred exam centres t

Check Official Exam Schedule:
