Assam Board HS Special Exam 2021 Schedule (Out); Exam from October 1

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) has officially released the exam timetable for the Assam Board Higher Secondary Special Exam 2021. 

Ranoj Pegu, the Assam higher Education Minister announced the release of the exam schedule for the Assam Board HS special exam 2021 on his Twitter account. He tweeted that the programme for the Assam HS Final Special Examination 2021 has been issued. 

Meanwhile, the Assam HS special exam 2021 has been scheduled to be conducted in two shifts between October 1 and November 11, 2021. 

The Morning shift of the exam will start from 9 am to 11 am and the afternoon shift will commence from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. The HS board exam will begin with an English subject and conclude with Banking or Psychology, Logic and philosophy. 

Assam HS Special Exam 2021: Time Table 

Subjects to be conducted in Morning shift 

Subjects to be conducted in Evening shift 

Important Exam Date 



October 1, 2021 


Physics/Accountancy/Education/ General Foundation Course II

October 04, 202


Modern Indian Languages/ Alternative English

October 06, 2021


Chemistry/Business Studies/political Science/Vocational Elective Paper IV English

October 08, 2021 

Mathematics/ Vocational Elective Paper V


October 20, 2021 

Fine Arts


October 22, 2021

Economics/ Vocational Elective paper VI


October 25, 2021 


Anthropology/Sociology/Salesmanship & Advertising

October 27, 2021 

Commercial Mathematics & Statistics/ Geography


October 29, 2021 


Home Science

October 30, 2021 

IT/ITeS /Retail Trade/Agriculture/ Horticulture/Healthcare/ private Security/ Tourism & Hospitality

Computer Science

November 02, 2021 


Swadesh Adhyayan/Economic Geography

November 5, 2021 


Advance Languages/Sanskrit/Arabic/ Persian

November 8, 2021 


Logic & Philosophy/Banking/ psychology

November 11, 2021 

It has been notified in the AHSEC timetable notification that the question papers for the Assam HS special exam 2021 will be distributed to the students 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam. 

It is to be also noted that all the appearing students and exam staff will have to mandatorily follow all the Covid-19 protocols on the exam day as laid down by the State Government. 

The Assam Board had earlier declared the Assam HS result 2021 on July 31 based on the statistical formula based evaluation. This year, the overall passing percentage was recorded at 98.93%. However, a merit list wasn't released by the board. 

Further, the Assam board is conducting the Assam HS Special Exam 2021 for the students who were not satisfied with their Assam HS results 2021.